chapter six

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August 2021, The Resort
Rose and Ava were walking back from the restaurant and chatting. Rose wore a light blue top with white shorts. Her hair was laying beautifully over her shoulders.

"You know, I think we are going to a carnival in the city tomorrow, you and your family should come too." Rose said excitedly as she looked over at Ava. "It would be so much more fun." she added.

"Yeah, I can totally ask them." she grinned as she covered her eyes from the sun.

Even though she knew that if they were at a carnival, they would not be alone from James. But she didn't really mind that.

As on cue, James strutted up to them and pushed through them so he was walking between them. He put his arms over their shoulder and asked, "How are my two favourite ladies doing?" and he looked from one to the other.

"I was doing fine until just five seconds ago." Rose replied as she rolled her eyes. But she still smiled, whatever she said, both she and James knew that she loved his goofiness, well to an acceptable level. Then it just became annoying.

"Heard you play tennis." James stated as he looked over at Ava. The sun shone right on her face which made her skin glow and her hair shine.

"Yeah, I do." she confirmed. "Why? Do you have something special in mind?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I want to play so I can beat you." James stated as he smirked and looked down on her.

"You think you can beat me?" she scoffed as she looked away. She let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. "That's cute." she added after she looked back at him.

"Hey! I'm really good at sports." James said, offended. He put his hand over his chest like he just had been shot.

"James you're good at quidd-" Rose started, both James and Ava looked at her. They had forgotten that she was a muggle. Ava looked curiously at Rose, but James just stared at her, she almost said the word quidditch, which would have led to a conversation they couldn't have or want.

"He's good at quitting, don't know where he thought he was good at sports from." Rose stated.

"Meet me on the court with equipment in twenty minutes and you have a match." Ava said, changing the subject.

"I will be there." James said confidently with a smile.

Ava shook of his arm as she started to walk in another direction. "See you." she called out over her shoulder.

"Nice save, Rosie." James whispered to his cousin.

"Ava is smart, she knows that I wasn't going to say that." Rose admitted as she looked at the blonde walking away from them.

"But at least nobody can just come up with Hogwarts and our world from hearing somebody say 'quidd'" James shrugged.


When Ava got to the tennis court after she changed into more sporty clothes, she saw James doing push-ups. She rolled her eyes and went to stand next to him so her shadow blocked the sun away from his face.

Her actions had gotten him to turn and look at her, a wide grin spreading over his face. "So you came here after all?" he asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I, it's not like I'm going to loose." Ava replied as she looked back at James.

"Oh, you're going to loose, Jones." Jame said as he leaned forward. Ava just rolled her eyes and went to stand on her side of the court.

"I am 100 percent sure that I can play better than you." James stated confidently. Before serving.

Long story short, he couldn't. After ten balls, which Ava had won, he got an idea. "One more match, if I win I get to kiss you." he stated.

"Why would I agree to that?" Ava asked as she raised her eyebrow.

"Because you know that you will win and you'll get something out of it." James answered.

"Okay, let's just say that you owe me 10 pounds."

James really wanted to ask if it was much. But he couldn't so he just agreed. They had agreed that a match consisted of five balls.

Ava served and she would say that James just had dumb luck because he won the first ball and it was his time to serve. "1-0, Jones." James smirked.

His serve wasn't very good but the ball made its way over the net and Ava just managed to smash it back at him. Lucky her, she won it this round. "1-1, Potter."

She served and the ball flew over to James' side, he hit it back at her and she hit it back at him. Surprisingly this went on for a while until James frantically shouted, "A tiger!" and pointed behind Ava.

Ava snapped her head around but when she saw no tiger and heard the ball bounce at the ground she knew that he tricked her. "Not cool, not cool."

He just grinned, standing on the other side of the net. "Looks like it's 2-1, Jones."

Ava rolled her eyes and threw the ball to James so he could serve. He served and this time she did not go easy on him and directly hit the ball back to his side. James could not take the ball like she had expected.

"Who hurt you?" James said, sarcastically with his hand on his heart.

Ava served and this time she saw how eager and focused James seemed to be. She wouldn't admit to it but she let him win. He really wanted to kiss her and maybe she wanted to kiss him too.

"I WON!" James shouted when he saw Ava loose the ball. "DID YOU SEE THAT?" he shrieked as he started to jump up and down.

"Congrats." she said, smiling at his happiness.

"Looks like you owe me a kiss." James stated and approached her. "Seems like it yeah, but I won't give it to you now." Ava said, only to tease James.

"Oh, come on." he whined.


James was chilling at the pool with his family and cousins. Right now he was laying on a deck chair, looking at Albus writing a letter. Albus really didn't like to socialise and everyone could see that. Lily was copying Rose, she was sunbathing.

Ginny and Ron had put on their fifth layer of sunscreen after an hour at the pool, they had really sensitive skin. Maybe because they were gingers. Lily was probably going to burn in the sun since she only had one layer.

"We have tickets for the carnival tomorrow in the city." Harry informed the kids. He got everyone's attentions except for Albus'.

"Ooh, can we bring the Jones'?" James asked as he sat up straight.

"We have already talked to them and they are coming with us." Ginny cut in, which made James cheer.

"You're the best parents." he smiled happily as he gave them a big hug.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this happy, well except from when you got a spot on the quidditch team." Harry chuckled.

Ava and her family had been on a family trip for the afternoon so James hadn't seen her since breakfast, but she hadn't talked to him then. She had just smirked at him.

He wondered if she ever were going to give him his kiss that he earned.

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