chapter one

737 10 2

August 2021, Croatia
What were the odds that they lived at the same resort? "Do I have to put up with this shit for the next two weeks?" Albus questioned before he let out a yawn.



James had seen the pretty girl every day at the resort by the pool, it was now their fourth day and he still hadn't approached her. Rose would say he was a coward, James would say that it hadn't been the right time.

She usually sun bathed, swimmed with her brother or looked at her phone. James didn't own a phone, partly because he owled his friends and because he didn't know how they worked. His dad did have a phone, but he rarely used it.

At the moment she was sun bathing, her parents and brother were laying next to her. That little boy was still extremely familiar to James.

He just couldn't place him.

"Go get ice cream with your sister, James." Ginny ordered as she laid down and put on her sunglasses.

Lily had begged for ice cream for at least half an hour and Ginny had finally given in.

James and Lily were standing at the ice cream stand, Lily had been having a hard time deciding and after 10 painful minutes she finally ordered chocolate ice cream and James just ordered a strawberry popsicle.

Lily left as soon as she got her ice cream and went back to Hugo to share with him.

The ice cream guy said the prize in an accent James barely understood but he handed the guy the right amount of money. He was about to leave when the dirty blonde haired girl came up to order.

"Hey, could I please get a strawberry ice cream, thank you." she ordered with a smile on her face. She was wearing a red bikini and boy did she look amazing.

James decided to do a poor attempt at flirting since this was the right time according to him. "Hello there, gorgeous." he greeted her and dragged his hand through his dark hair with a smirk resting on his face.

How he could get girls at Hogwarts was quite the mystery.

"Hello, tosser." she replied before she turned back to the ice cream guy, "Thank you." she thanked him as he handed her the ice cream.

James opened and closed his mouth, not knowing what to answer, usually when he approached girls, they flirted back.

"Tough luck, man." the ice cream guy said in the Croatian accent as she walked away. James only nodded in response and saw Rose walk up to him with her red hair in a bun and her freckles very visible on her face.

"What happened to you?" she asked as she looked at James.

"Bad luck with girls." the ice cream guy explained and nodded towards to the blonde.

She looked at where he nodded and saw the dirty blonde checking her phone while eating her ice cream.

"What a catch, huh." she stated as she turned back to her cousin. "It was a good try, guess you will have to try harder."

"Rosie, what does girls like?" James asked his cousin as an idea formed in his head.


Ava was back at the hotel room with her parents and brother. She was making herself ready for dinner, meaning she just came out of the shower and was doing some light make up.

A part of her wished that the good looking boy from the ice cream stand would be at the hotel dinner. She put on some mascara and perfume, unfortunately the foundation that she packed was too light for her, she had gotten quite the tan from all the time she spent by the pool. She wished she had better stuff to do than to hang out with her brother. But she didn't have anything else to do, her parents only liked relaxing, which she kinda did too but hanging out with her twelve year old brother wasn't always the most fun.

When she had come back to the hotel room after dinner she was a bit disappointed that he hadn't been there, it was nothing wrong with eye candy and that guy was delicious eye candy, with his abs and tanned skin and don't let her get started on his face. He was very attractive indeed.

Her parents loved travelling so she had seen a lot of handsome guys on her vacations but she never talked to any of them, partly because she was too shy to approach them and partly because she would never see them again anyway, so what was the point?

Ava removed her make up and brushed her teeth. She was ready for bed but she was not tired.

So, she decided to take a stroll around the resort, even though she had been there for a few days, she hadn't really explored it.

Ava put on her slippers and opened her door. She told her brother, Charlie, that she would just go on a little walk and that she would be back in a few minutes.

She walked up towards the pool, past the gym and towards the empty reception. She hadn't discovered anything new but the night air was refreshing so she didn't want to go back to her room. Therefore, Ava walked over to the bar and sat down on a bar stool.

"You want a drink?" the bartender asked, Ava shook her head, she wasn't 18 yet, so she couldn't buy any alcohol. At day time they served non-alcoholic drinks, which she quite enjoyed drinking, but it was too late for that now.

She was quite fond of the silence at the bar when she heard some cheering and shouting in the distance.

She circled the bar and went back to the hotel reception and restaurant, she walked by some smaller hotel rooms and saw a tennis court. She would go down to the reception tomorrow morning and ask if she could borrow some equipment.

She was about to turn around when she saw that there was people on the tennis court, playing, she had expected that since she had heard shouting and cheering.

She recognised the guy from the ice cream stand, he had dragged off his t-shirt and was shouting, she couldn't quite make out if his team was winning or loosing. But she decided to walk closer, she could make out six people on the tennis court. All of them were laughing together. How she wished she had a twin, sibling or a cousin her age with her on vacation.

On the guy's team, there was a red headed teenager that looked to be around her age, 15-17 years old and then an older version of the guy himself. She let her eyes wander to the younger guy's torso. She looked back at his face and wondered what his name was.

On the other team was a ginger haired man and a ginger haired woman who looked pretty much alike. They also had a black haired guy who seemed to be around the same age as the other teenagers on the team.

Ava watched them play for a while, none of them were really good, but as the game went on, they got better and better. She must've looked pretty creepy from her spot behind some bushes.

But to be honest, she looked the most at the messy haired guy. He was good at the sport but his dad seemed to be a bit better.

She realised that they had ended their match and were finishing up. Ava took it as her cue to leave so they wouldn't notice her.

So this is how I imagine the resort. The red is where the Potters and Granger-Weasleys live, the blue is where the girl and her family lives.

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