Chapter 1 - Not Obsessed, Highly Dedicated

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Vas Happenin' Chickadees!!!!!!!!!

So I decided i was gonna write my first fan fiction and see how it went.

Obviously it's a One Direction story for all you Directioners out there to inhale deeply like a lovely dolphin :)

so here it goes.....



I exhaled and rolled my eyes, "Liz I told you a million times the tickets were sold out before i even got to the website"

She pouted "But they're ONE DIRECTION!!!! The most amazing boy bad in the whole entire frickin' universe!!! How in the world are they ever going to realize my existence, fall in love, and marry me if we don't even have tickets to their show? I've been dreaming about this day forever. They're inhumanly scrumptious faces serenating me with their heavenly voices....."

By this time i knew she was gonna go into one of her "One Direction is my life" montages so i decided to tune out. As you can tell Liz and I are die hard Directioners. Well actually more her than me. Elizabeth Lauren Taylor, but everyone calls her Liz for short, has been my best friend since 3rd grade. Ever since we ran into each other in the classroom. Literally, i mean head first into each other like angry rams or something until we fell on the ground. Even now we're still that clumsy.

She was 17 like me but looked totally different. She had long gorgous blonde locks which was naturally wavy (seriously how lucky is that) and stunning green eyes. She was average height and super athletic. Her super bubbly and totally random personality was just what i loved about her. She always gave me a reason to laugh even when i felt like depressed jellyfish.

I'm Christina Blaire Thompson, but everyone calls me Chrissy for short, I have dark brown medium-long lenth hair that has the tendency to frizz like a rabbit rubbed with a balloon if I didn't to anything about it and chocolate brown eyes. I was a little shorter than average height, but you could say my sass and fashion sense made up for it.

This year it was my turn to buy the One Direction concert tickets. And being the idiot  am I thought I could buy the concerts the day they were selling AFTER school. Only to find out all the other Directioners got to the tickets before us. I mean come on stop being so greedy and share some of the British/Irish goodness with this Texan. But unfortunetly no one wants to listen to my plea.And now we're in my room sitting on my floor near my bed, again discussing our lack of tickets.

"Chrissy are you even listening to me?" Liz question. I snapped out of my mental convo with myself (don't tell me you've never had one of those) to see Liz with her arms crossed, raising an eybrow at me.

"I'm sorry it's just that I've heard that same complaint sooo many times. Can you really blame me for not paying attention?" I said, this time raising an eyebrow at her. Ha! now she knows what that feels like. Turning tables like a boss.

She walked over to one of my posters of One Direction and pointed to them while stating what she's said so many time before.

"We were going to be able to see their beautiful faces and hear their God given voices in concert and now because of you my dreams are crushed." She over dramatically dropped to the floor and started to fake sob

"I had a dream! A dream I say! And now it's ruined all because of you!"

I rolled my eyes and picked her up from her petty pitty fest. 

Looking into her eyes and saying with all seriousness, "I am going to get those tickets."

Liz stopped fake sobbing and looked at me in the eyes. Right then she busted out laughing. clenching her stomach from laughing so hard. Way to go I thought i was realy having a moment there.

"And how in the world are you going to do that?" she questioned.

I stopped and thought for a moment. Then the idea hit me. I started spazzing and dancing (very badly) around my room like a complete maniac ,because of my ingenious idea, before jumping on my bed sreaming "I got it! I got it!" at the top of my lungs like a two-year old. Once i stopped jumping and recieved my share of strange looks from Liz I came up to her with a huge smile.

"Radio stations" I stated simply.

"What?" Liz said very confused.

"The radio stations are bound to be giving away One Direction tickets with really good seats and most likely back stage passes. All We have to do is be the right caller to win. And best of all it's FREE!" I said, extremey proud I was the one who thought of it.

Liz shrugged, "it's worth a shot. I mean since we really have no other option, what harm can it do?"

And with that we went back to what we were doing before this whole conversation started, dancing around like freaks singing and dancing to One Direction music.

How was I supposed to know that was one of the best ideas i've ever had? Leading me to the most amazing thing in my life.


Well that's my first chapter of my first book!

I hope you liked it! :)

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I can take critisism :)

will you ride a pony with me? I do enjoy their lushious manes XD

~♥ Z

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