Chapter 13 - Sir, yes sir!

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*Chrissy's POV*

"Um...HI, I'm pretty sure you guys are at the wrong house. There's a Miley Cyrus look alike just down the street that would probably be very happy to see you." I heard Abby say.

I gave Liz a knowing smile and we stopped are argument to see this fiasco unfold. Making are way to the door we could see the top of 2 of the 5 heads.

"Are you Abby?" a raspy British voice asked, from the other side of the door.

She answered hesitantly, "Yes."

"We're here to meet you!" an overly excited voice yelled.

"I don't think-" Abby started, but stopped once the mass of boys easily made their way past her and into my fortress, I mean house.The group came in and started saying they're hellos.

"Chrissy!" Niall said, once locking his eyes with mine.

He came up and gave me a massive bear hug, engulfing me in his warmth. Can't this be everyday? We unwrapped and he gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"I've missed you," He said, giving me a sincere smile.

I giggled. Woah did I just giggle? Control your girl hormones Christina he's just a boy.

"It's only been a week Niall. I'm pretty sure a solid block like you can handle being without me for 7 days." I joked. 

We all finished are hellos and turned back to Abby who was still standing in the front door, shocked and confused.

"Surprise?" I said, but it came out more of a question.

"Oh yea how silly of us," Liz smiled, "We forgot introductions! Abby, this is Liam, Louis, Harry, Zayn, and Niall. Guys, this is Abby." 

it took a little bit but soon Abby's face turned from shocked to irritated.

"Girls, can I talk to you upstairs?" she said, jerking her head to the staircase.

"Okay," I said, starting are trip to land of uptopia, "Oh and boys, mi casa es tu casa. Just don't burn down the place."

Abby was the first one to the top and quickly turned on her heel to look at us. Much like those snobby head honchos at a fashion place.

"Why did you allow those nimrods into your house?" she asked.

"Those 'nimrods' are our friends. And we bought them over to show you that they really aren't as bas as you think. They're not a bunch of self-absorbed pop stars like u believe." I explained.

 "So a surprise attack was the best way for me to meet them?!?" She yell-whispered.

"Do you want us to kidnap you instead?" I said making my way downstairs to tell them to come bck later. "I could send them back and we could try this again. I'll get a white van, some candy, and-"

"No!" Abby grabbed my arm and pulled me back up the stairs, 'I don't want to see them more than I'm being forced to. I'll just deal with it like I would any other situation. By acting like a jerk/weirdo. Then you'll see that they really are morons."

Liz and I looked at each other, hoping the day would go better than she is planning. Abby made her way down the steps and on the second to last step her gratefulness kicked in and she tripped, getting a face full of hardwood. Liz and I burst into fits of laughter whilst the boys come rushing to her aid.

 Abby turned around, eyes still closed, and propped herself up with one elbow, the other holding her head. 

"What is this? Like the third time this month? I had a hitting-myself-with-my-locker-phase and now this" She groaned.

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