Chapter 9 - Waiting is for Idiots

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~Niall's POV~

I don't know what came over me. It was all a rush. But what I do know is that I wanted to get out of the room as soon as possible. I didn't want to see Chrissy snuggled up with Harry as he protectively wraps his arms around her. Her head buried in his chest. I should be doing that. And that's how I know.

I like Chrissy.

No, I don't love her. Love is a strong word that shouldn't be taken lightly. Besides my family, I've only told one person I love them and every time I think about it I wish I could take it back. She hurt me too much for it to be love and heaven only knows why I thought it was real. And I'll never use those three words together unless I really mean it. Like food, I really love food.

But I do know I like Chrissy. She's funny, smart, pretty, and just fun to be around. Before she would leave tomorow I was going to ask her out. But as usual, just when I think a girl likes me and I'm about to make my move, Harry steals her before I even have a chance. I know he's supposed to be the lady's man. But he doesn't have to be every lady's man. I thought this time would finally be my chance, my turn to get the girl. But again they fall for Harry.

The last couple times this happened it didn't really bother me. They were random fans that I wanted to know better but that never happened. After a night with Harry I've never seen the girl again. And I want to see Chrissy again, definitely.

I heard a knock on the door and Zayn's voice came from the other side. " Niall, it's me and Louis. Can we- um- can we come in?"

I let out a low huff and sighed, " Yea, sure."

The door opened and Zayn and Louis came in, both of them having their

hands stuffed in their pockets. They sat themselves at either sides of the bed next to me.

"Mate what happened? You stormed out of there for no reason! What's wrong because this isn't like you," Louis said, confusion and concern was written all over his face.

I sighed and sat up, letting my back hit the back board of the bed as I ran my hand through my blond brunette hair.

" I'm sorry lads... I just.... I can't... life sucks," I said unable to put my feelings into words for them.

Louis leaned himself on the back board too, "Well that explains everything."

I gave him a weak smile as if apologizing for my lack of light on the situation. Zayn suddenly spoke up.

" I thought it was pretty obvious," Zayn said giving Louis a nah-der look, " Niall likes Chrissy so he's jealous that she's being buddy-buddy with Harry. But it's obvious that she doesn't like Harry so really Niall has nothing to worry about." He explained all in one breath.

My mouth gaped open at how easily he figured it out. Was it really that obvious? I looked over at Louis who was still processing everything Zayn said and then broke into a toothy grin.

"It all makes sense now! So that's why you've been acting all strange. You didn't make a giant bag of popcorn for yourself like usual."

I sighed and nodded my head trying to hide my face, " Yea but it doesn't matter because I know Chrissy doesn't like me. There's really no point."

Zayn hit me upside the head and I yelped and the sudden act. I gave him a what-the-heck 

look and Zayn shot me back a look as if I'm an idiot. I'm not stupid. Narcissistic, maybe. Stupid, nah.

"Are you daft? Were you not listening to my explanation? She doesn't like Harry and she's spent the most time with you. Of course she's with Harry now because he saved her life. Any one would be doing the same thing. All Chrissy's doing is returning the favor. You have  

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