Chapter 8 - Call Me Captain America!

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I felt a sharp jab on my stomach as I immediately coughed up the Oreo that was stuck. The cookie was now on the floor practically whole as if I never even ate it. I started coughing again as my vision came back and so did my senses. Harry just saved my life. Harry frickin Styles just saved my life.

I turned around to face him and replacing his worry was relief. He smiled at me in satisfaction as if he was the best person in the world. And that's when I yelled.

"WHAT THE FLAPJACKS HARRY? I almost died because of you! You also kind of saved me.... BUT I WAS ALMOST GONE!! I'm not to sure if I wanna slap or kiss you!"

He looked surprised by my reaction but quickly recovered with a weak smile.

"I did save your life," He said putting on his puppy dog eyes. Darn these boys and their adorable faces. I need to put a paper bag over there heads permanently, that would solve all my problems. But they would probably run into doors more frequently.

I stormed over to him and he quickly clamped his eyes shut preparing for the worst. I came up and pecked him on the cheek.

Sure I'm kind of mad at him but I still have a box of Oreos and a life so I'm okay for now. He opened his eyes in surprise at my reaction. And right when I thought he was just a softy at heart he went from a defenseless puppy to the Harry Styles everyone knows.

"I think you missed, my lips are right here." He said pointing to his mouth which was now forming a slight smirk as he wiggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at him and playfully punched him in the arm.

"Stop complaining. You should be happy I didn't high-five your face."

He responded with a chuckle and we turned back to the group who was completely ignoring our little argument except for Niall who I noticed was stealing occasional glances.

"Okay so now that that's done and over with why don't we watch a movie?" Liam suggested.

Everyone agreed. Zayn walked/pranced to the DVD rack and started scanning the movies. 

"We should watch Toy Story!" Liam suggested enthusiastically. The boys responded with a chorus of groans. Me and Liz exchanged glances and started chuckling. And on that day Liam's idea was voted off the island.

Liam started to have an argument with the rest of the boys (minus Zayn) about the benefits of cartoons. Liz walked over to me and whispered in my ear.

"You know in my dreams this turned out a little different. But hey at least there's 5 hot guys"

I went wide eyed and gave a fake gasp looking around the room, "OMG where?!"

We started laughing at the thought when Zayn let out a 'manly' scream. I say that for his sake. We all turned towards him as he held up a DVD the way Rafiki held up Simba.

"Paranormal Activity 4!"

Everyone started agreeing and saying how much they loved the movie, but I wasn't paying attention. No not scary movies anything but that. I started to panic.

"No,no,no,no,no! Please anything but a scary movie!" I pleaded clutching my sides,"The last scary movie I watched was The Women In Black. After that I confined myself to Captain America and my bed for a week.

Harry raised an eyebrow at me, "Captain America?"

"Yea, I sort of named my pillow that," I said with a shrug.

Everyone looked at Liz and she rolled her eyes and nodded. "She likes naming inanimate objects after hot superheroes, and the Hulk." She explained as if it was the most normal thing ever. Well I guess when you hang out with us it kinda is.

"Nice to know," Zayn said heading towards the DVD player, "Now let's watch the movie!"

My eyes went wide and I started pleading again, "Please no!" But everyone was already at the couches settling in to watch.

Harry came over and put his arm around me gently draping my shoulders. "Don't worry Chrissy I got you." He gave me a flirty smile and I rolled my eyes at him lifting his arm off my shoulder.

"I don't need a protector but a pillow would be nice,"

He stretched out his arms and gave me a wide grin, " Call me Captain America!"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled slightly as we walked over to the couch. Harry. And I sat in the love seat. No not like that. He may be extremely attractive but I only think of Harry as a friend. Liam, Louis, and Liz sat on the couch and Niall and Zayn sat on the floor. The movie started and I cuddled into him unprepared for anything that was about to come. Harry put his arm around and gave me a reassuring smile. Okay maybe I do need a protector but Harry doesn't need to know that


I felt a tap on my shoulder as I uncurled from the ball position I had been in for the entire movie to look up and see Harry smiling at me.

"It's okay Chrissy, the movie is over now." he said giving me a reassuring squeeze.

I let out the breath that I was holding as I stretched my arms, "That was terrible! Do you guys enjoy melting with your brains? Who the heck wants to internally combust?"

My face was probably stuffed on Harry's shoulder most of the movie. I only looked up a few times when I thought the movie was over just to see another horrifying thing. Some how Liz was able to fall asleep and was now absent-mindedly resting on Liam. The thing is, every time I would look up I would see Niall giving Harry evil stares. And every time he would noticed I was looking he would turn away as if those couple seconds I saw never happened.

Harry started stroking my hair which snapped me out of my thoughts. I rested my head on his shoulder trying to relax.he whispered in my ear.

"You know your hair is really soft."

I whispered back, "You know you sound like a creeper."

He started laughing and Niall practically jumped up from the ground.

"I'm tired so I'm off to bed." He said quickly. He stormed off to his room and slammed the door behind him. 

Everyone awkwardly looked at each other for a while till Zayn sighed and got up.

"i"ll go see what's up with Nialler," He said and walked over to the room.

Louis got up too, "So... I'm just gonna...COMING KEVIN!" He ran off to his bedroom.

And then there were 4....


Hello My Lovely's!!!!!

Yay updates are fun :)

So who loves Little Mix?

*chorus of screams outside my window*

Yea that's what I thought :) So they were in America last week and I had a huge fangirl moment because I love them so much :) And no I don't love them just cuz Perry is dating Zayn. But thanks to Zayn I know of their existence. Thank you Zayn for being born.

Anyways so they're my music video for the week----------------------------->

Harry's curls are gone. RIP I'll miss you forever. I'll always have you on my posters.

No curls, no blonde, no braces, and Louis's red hair. Too much change!! XP

For anyone who cared I made my solos! Now to prance with my unicorn to Narnia! Onward my noble steed! 

Vote, Comment, Fan, Make a Harlem Shake video with me? It's on my bucket list 

~Z <3

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