Chapter 10 - Burnt Waffles

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The Next Morning

*Chrissy's POV*

I'm in a forest walking aimlessly. As I admire the foilage I spot a flower and walk over to pick it up. When I kneel down to grab the beautiful pink carnation I hear someone call my name.


I quickly get up and spin around to face the speaker. My eyes land on a giant red yummy bear.


I yell, running towards the chewy animal as he engulfed me in a hug. I smile and look up at his face. A question entered my mind.

"What are you doing here? I only dream about you when i'm hungry."

He gave me a giant smile, "Silly! You are hungry!"

I frowned, because having an empty stomach is a serious problem.

Chubby noticed my face, "No need to be sad. I have a suprise!"

He stood back, revealing a ginormous table adorned with any food imaginable. Right in the center was a giant chocolate fountain.

My eyes went wide as I slowly approached the table and took a seat. A giant steak was right in front of me and a smile broke out on my face. I grabbed the piece of meat with my hands and went in for a bite.


I groggily opened my eyes as I was interupted right in the middle of my wonderfully food filled dream. I sighed wishing I could have finished my dream, even if it was imaginary steak. Looking around I realized that this isn't my room and i'm not in my own clothes.

Oh no! I've been captured! Some creeper locked me in a room and there's not even a bathroom! I'm going to- oh wait a minute.

Memories of last night flooded back into my mind.


I was sitting on the couch, Harry's arm lazily draped around me. Not that I gave it much thought since he obviously considered me a friend like I did about him. Niall unexpectedly got up and left followed by a concerened Louis and Zayn. The rest of us were left in an awkward silence, not knowing how to respond to Niall's actions.

"Potatoe..." I started, unsure of what to do.

I got up, taking Harry's arm of me and looked at the remains of out group. Liz was asleep from watching the movie. I sighed already excpecting this would happen.

One time we went to the movies and she fell asleep half way through. Since I couldn't wake her up without looking like an idiot (my wake up routine for her is a little weird) I decided to leave her there. I'm guessing she woke up in the middle of another movie because when she called me she was in" theatre jail". So I had to bail her out, which pretty much meant I had to explain to the security gaurd that I purposely left her there. But I did deny that I was the one that put popcorn in her hair. After a good laugh with the security gaurd and some annoyed eye rolls from Liz, she was free to go. But now she refuses to go to the movies with only me anymore. Which if you ask me, was a smart idea.

"So what should we do until they get back?" I asked, refusing to let my energy dwindle.

No one responded so I went over to Liz and lightly shoock her. Not responding I whispered in her ear.

"Fried Chicken." She slightly opened her eyes and I repeated the question.

"Actually I was thinking we could just wait until the come back. I doubt they'll be in there long and then we can just continue." Liz suggested. I definetly didn't want to do that. Why should a lack of people stop us from doing stuff? But when I looked from Liam to Harry and they seemed to both be agreeing with Liz. I became extremely frustrated that everyone was being so lazy. Which usually didn't bother me since I'm usually the lazy one. Tonight was an exception. I got up from the crouching position I was in from talking to Liz.

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