Chapter 11 - Operation Wake Up

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*Chrissy's POV*

"WAFFLES!" I yell at the top of my lungs placing a gigantic mound of buttery goodness on the counter before me.

Niall and I were able to make the rest of the waffles without murdering any more and after carefully hiding 5 for each of us, we were ready to share with the rest of the group. if they were even awake.

"God made goodness right here!" I yelled again to no avail.

"Did you call us gods?" Niall questioned obviously not caring about the lack of customers.

"Pft. I called me a god not you." I said not taking my eyes off the rows of doors.

I looked around and didn't see anyone getting out of their caves. Realizing that not even waffles could could get them out I resorted to asking Niall for assistance.

"Nialler our bait isn't working. Time for Operation Wake Up." I did multiple ninja rolls to get to the beginning of the hallway and checked if it was safe. When the coast was clear I looked back at Niall and gave him the nod of approval to follow my movements. He looked at me extremely concerned with my behavior and walked over next to me. Not letting his anti-spy skillz faze me I continued with my, I mean our, mission.

"Okay, so we'll start at Harry's room and work our way down. I'm pretty sure we can rule out Liam's room since I was sleeping in it. " I said, laying out our plan.

I was about to do another ninja roll when Niall stopped me.

"Why are we starting with Harry? Why can't we start with Zayn?" Niall asked.

I sighed and decided to tell him the truth. I beckoned closer him with my finger. He leaned towards me so I could tell me. And I flicked him in the head.

"What the-!!!" I smacked my hand over his mouth since he was being way to loud.

"flapjacks" I said finishing his sentence, since that was obviously way he was going to end with. Once he cooled his tits I explained.

"Zayn will take way to long to wake up. He sleeps like he's in a coma. We'd need the tardis to wake that boy up. So Harry is the obvious choice. Plus Harry screams like a 3 year old girl." Really what's with this boy if I didn't know any better I'd think he's blo- oh wait. never mind

I continued with my ninja roll up to Harry's door. I saluted Niall which was the unofficial signal for him to follow. Deciding to act like a true assassin he army crawled his way over. I carefully opened his door and crawled over to the side of Harold's bed, Niall trailing closely behind.

I stood up to see a sleeping Harry. He was twisted up in his sheets, limbs sprawled out. His hair was a curly mess and his mouth was gaping open. Not the prettiest sleeper.

I grabbed the end of the covers and Niall did the same. With one quick yank Harry was flat on the floor. He quickly jumped up, fully alert and horribly confused.

His eyes shot to us. "What the heck?!? Why can't I sleep in one day?!? That's all I want! One day!" He shwispered (A/N shout whispered. It's a word. Look it up on Urban Dictionary)

He shot me a death glare and I fell to the ground. I did my best dying person impersonation which included a few flailing limbs before I pronounced myself dead. I felt two bodies hover over me. So either Jesus came back and Niall got to see him or Harry was the other body.

"Um, Chrissy. What are you doing?" I heard an Irish accent ask.

I shot one eye open to look at the confused boys.

"I'm dead. Harry shot me a death glare so I died." I said nonchalantly.

Seeing as they didn't catch on to my hilarity I got up from the ground.

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