Chapter 5 - Oh My Tacos

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Chrissy POV

"I'd like a 10 oz. steak, medium rare, with a side of mash potatoes, extra gravy. Oh! And a side of green beans. And don't forget the Dr.Pepper." With a satisfied grin I looked up from my menu, closing it and handing it to the unamused waitress at the front of the table. I looked to my table to see all the boys mouths gaping open with a shocked expression written all over their faces. I looked over to Liz who was suppressing a chuckle.

"I'm hungry." I simply stated, shrugging as if it was no big deal. Which it really wasn't, a girl's got to eat. You know how some people eat to live, well I live to eat. Me and food go together like Oreos and milk.

"You guys might want to close your mouths, or you're going to catch flies," I said, slightly amused by their reaction. Noticing their facial expressions they all blushed and closed their mouths. Harry was the first one to speak.

"Most girls would just order a salad on a date. You know for 'their figure'." He made quotation marks in the air for the last part

"Well Chrissy definitely isn't like most girls," Liz laughed. I raised an eyebrow making a mock shocked face towards her. But then just stopped and shrugged.

Harry turned to me smiling, "Well Chrissy, in that case we should get along quite well. Won't we Nialler?"

He gave me a creepy smile and started manically rubbing his hands together, "Yes, yes we should."

"Woah! I've had enough creepy today, let's not add to it," I held up my hands defensively, "Why can't we talk about Oods or unicorn politics?"

Zayn raised an eyebrow, "OKay, three things. First, what happened to fill your creep-o-meter? Second, what the heck is an ood? And what do unicorns have to do with politics?"

Liz started laughing again, wow, that girl loves to laugh. or maybe it's hysteria and she's secretly hyperventilating from being around the 5 hottest guys in the world. Well, besides Matt Smith, that man is attractive.

"Chrissy was creep ed out because a certain valet driver..................." She couldn't finish that sentence because I lunged toward her, covering her mouth before she could let my awkward story be revealed. I looked her in the eyes.

"Never. Speak. Of. It." I said making sure she understood. She gave me a pleading look but I shook my head. We started a stare down until interrupted by a cough. Breaking away from our contest I remembered where we were and who we were with. oops.

"I hate to break apart..... whatever that was, but this is getting a little weird for me," Louis said hesitantly. I blushed, now noticing that I was practically on his lap. Great impression Chrissy, they so love you now. I went back to my place in the booth. he waitress came up with our food, the same annoyed tone was on her face when she locked eyes with me. What? is there something wrong with my face? It's probably the make-up. I told Liz I didn't want any on.

"can I help you with something," I looked down at her name tag and smiled, "Veronica?" She mumbled something under her breath but continued passing out the plates and drinks and left

"what was that about?" Niall asked.

"Oh, nothing. She was giving me dirty looks. But on to more important matters.........FOOOOD!" I picked up my fork and shoved some mashed potatoes in my mouth, smiling as I ate. Smiling with my mouth closed of course. I have a little table etiquette.

The guys chuckled as Liz playfully rolled her eyes at me. When they were done with their chuckle-fest they all joined me in eating. Half way through our meal and right in the middle of Niall and I's heated argument on pizza toppings and their uses as weapons a high pitched squeal was heard across the room.

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