Chapter 2 - I Won What?

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Herro people of Wattpad!!!!

sooo i decided to upload again because I LOOOOVE you :3

I hope you enjoyed my first chappie!!! My brain juices are giving of genius right now!! :)

Here we gooooo


"Have you found one yet?" I screamed as Justin Beiber's "Boyfriend" blasted through my room.

"Yea I've just been looking through radio station websites for fun this past half hour." Liz smirked

I rolled my eyes and turned back to my computer screen,"Shut up and keep looking you cheese ball."

So for the past 45 minutes Liz and I have been trying to find a radio station that was holding a contest, wanting callers, or ANYTHING to get One Direction tickets. But so far we couldn't find a single one. What is wrong these radio stations now a days??

"AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! yes! yes! YES!!" Liz screeched at he top of her lungs. she ran over to me and shook me like a ragdoll sing/screaming into my face, "I found a station! I found a station!." Once she finally let go off me Liz started doing the jerk in the middle of my room.

I started laughing. I mean who can blame me? Liz loves to dance but is atrocious at it. Not that i have any room to critisize since one time I started dancing a woman freaked out because she thought i was having a seizure. Yea...

After i finished wiping away my tears i finally asked, " What station is it?"

"95.7 The Beat." she said in a sing-song voice. Dang that girl loves to sing. "All we have to do is wait until two One Direction songs are played back to back. Then if we're the 7th caller the One Direction tickets are ours!

(A/N I honestly don't know if this is a real station and if it is it's a total coincidence)

And with that we started spazzing around like people just struck by a taser and showing off our epic vocal skills singing along to the Beibs.

The Next Day....

At school

So Liz and I hav been listening to 95.7 non-stop and there was no way that school was gonna stop us. Who had the nerve to put school right in the middle of our contest? I blame Directionators. Man I hate them.

I was in my last class, Pre-Cal while Mr. Johnson was ranting about the Pythagoreon therum. I couldn't hear him that well over the the music coming from my ear buds hidden carefully under my hair and dark blue hoodie. All day i've been listening to the radio secretly. And everytime a One Direction song would come on I would ask to be excused to the bathroom and quickly text Liz even though I already knew she was listening too. But everytime some other artist would come on and our hopes will fall again. I swear I think those radio station host are purposelly trying to give me mini heart attacks in the middle of class.

"Ms. Thompson!" I snapped out of my deep thought to see Mr. Johnson towering over me with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Since your paying such close attention to my class would you mind solving the problem on the board?" He said with a smug face

I put on my most polite smile and looked up at him, "That's okay sir. Why don't you give one of the other students the question? I'm pretty sure one of them is much more deserving" I ended with an even bigger smile then when i started. He opened his mouth and i could tel I was in deep trouble. Not again. I really do hate detention. Just then the bell rang and I jumped up, grabbed my books, and headed out the door. But not before turning towards Mr. Johnson and flashing my awrd winning smile and saying "Thank you forhouse the great lesson very informative!"

~~10 minutes later~~

Liz and I were in her Camaro driving back to my place talking about all the stupid homework we had. One Direction's "Little Things" came on the radio.

She shrieked,"Maybe this will be the one!" I sighed. Liz would do this every single time, get all excited and jittery just do find out that it wasn't it. I kinda lost hope even though it hasn't even been a full two days. Who's a pessimistic penguin? This gal!!

I decided to just enjoy the song while it lasted and began to sing along

I've just let these little things

Slip out of my mouth

Because it's you

Oh it's you

It's you

They add up to

And I'm in love with you

And all these little things

I won't let these little things

Slip out of my mouth

But if it's true

It's you

It's you

They add up to

I'm in love with you

And all your little things

i smiled as the song finished. How in the world was Ed Sheeran able to find all my insecurities then get the five hottest guys in the world to sing it to me? Note to Self: Thank Ed Sheeran for being born.

Just then the next song came on:

You"re insecure

Don't know what for

You"re turning heads when you walk through the door

My eyes widened as I turned to Lizzy who was whipping out her phone. I did the same and hit Speed Dial #7. Yea we got this planned. I was litterally jumping in my seat waiting to find out if I won or not when Liz let out a loud yelp.

"Noooooo! I was so close! NOT NUMBER FIVE!" She locked it her phone and slammed it in her purse extremely aggitated.

I heard a voice on the other end of my line, "Hello what is your name?"

"Christina Thompson," I responded

"Well congratulations Christina!! You've just won VIP tickets, backstage passes, and a dinner with ONE DIRECTION for you and a friend! " He asked.

I let out a squell. uggh way to be cool Chrissy he's gonna thing your a dork. i tried to recover my failure. "Thank you so much I'm so excited!."

The man laughed, "i can tell. So who will be the lucky friend that gets to accompany you?"

I looked over to the seat next to me and smiled at Lizzy who. since was driving, was widely grinning at the road in front of her bouncing up and down in her seat.

I non-chalantly answered, "Well i guess if I had to bring someone I'd bring my akward taco, best friend Elizabeth who just happens to be sitting next to me."

"Well I hope you to have fun and thanks for calling. What is your favorite radio station?" ]

"95.7!" I screamed into the phone, a wide grin plastered on my face.

I was transfered to a different line where the woman told me that I would have my tickets and all the information mailed to me. As was babbling off my adress my crazziness was taking over and i started spazzing like a giraffe on steriods. I'm such a freak. A freakin awesome mother trucker. haha i tricked you.

As soon as I got off my phone Liz took a quick look at me, looked back at the road, and let out an ear-splitting scream. "OH MY GOSH WE'RE SEEING ONE DIRECTION!!! I would hug you if I wasn't scared we were gonna crash!"

The whole ride home fangirled like no tomorrow dreaming of what we would say, do , and most impotantly wear. Because what girl doesn't want to look like a godess when they meet their icons?


I hope you girlies enjoyed it!!!!!! Sorry for my bad spelling... I can't spell for my life

I love you all -xoxoxo

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Who wants to babysit my unicorn? O.o

Till my next Chappie-Z

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