Chapter 6 - Le Fort of Kevin

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Everyone froze at the sight of the mass of fans. How the heck did they find out we were here? I snapped out of my initial reaction and yelled.

"We're are under attack! You'll never take me alive!" I hit a random floor number, closing the door before any of the crazed fans to touch us.

"They took my shoes! my favorite pair of TOMS!"

Oops, spoke too soon. I didn't know Directioners could be this lethal. Oh wait, yes I did.

"It's okay BooBear we'll get you another pair," Harry said comforting Louis. Aaw! Larry Stylinson moment! ( A/N no I don't believe it's real but it's cute when they pretend)

"How are we going to leave? All your fans are blocking any entrance available," Liz pointed out. We all realized that she was right. I doubt there's any way we'll be able to leave without being barricaded with questions and people. There really was no way out. All of us stood in silence as we wondered what we could do. Suddenly Niall broke into a grin. So either he had an idea or he was going hysterical. I'm personally hoping for the first one.

"Why don't you girls stay at our suite until the fans leave?" Niall suggested, obviously proud he thought of it first. Liz and I turned to each other and shrugged. I was trying to keep my cool and I could tell that Liz was too by the hidden look in her eye. We were thinking the same thing. We are going to see One Direction's suite! Stay cool Chrissy this isn't like your dream or anything. You're cool like ice. Hmm I want an ice cold lemonade. Screaming gets me thirsty.

"Sure I guess that'll work," I said nonchalantly.

"We can have a sleepover!" Louis squealed, jumping up and down

"Louis your gay is showing," Liz teased. Louis covered himself and did a fake gasp earning a laugh from everyone.

"So what floor number did you push Chrissy?" Niall asked. My name sounds so pretty coming from him. Actually anything he says sounds really hot with that accent. I should probably answer him back now.

"Floor 52," i responded, looking at the one lit up button amongst the sea of buttons.

"okay, our suite is on the 55th floor so we can just take the stairs the rest of the way just in case the fans are already expecting us," Liam said. look at Daddy Direction taking charge. :3

The lady's voice came on the speakers


"Thank you kind lady!" I screamed at the speaker as I pranced out of the lift. I stopped halfway down the hallway and turned back to the boys and Liz who were still coming out.

" where's the stairs?" I asked realizing that I have no sense of direction. Zayn caught up to me and pointed towards the huge sign that read stairs with an arrow. He cocked an eyebrow at me with a smirk tugging at his lips. Oh. those stairs. I hung my head as I trigger towards them.


The boys opened their arms wide and had a huge smile on their faces whilst Louis shouted,

"Welcome to le fort of Kevin!"

"Louis we didn't agree to that name," Liam said

"I know. But I like my name better,"

"Whatever. We'll choose an official name later,"

"So Liam and Louis are the grumpy couple on this family," I mumbled under my breath. Liz started chuckling.

Liam turned back to Liz and I who were now in a fit of laughter. He raised an eyebrow at us but we just waved him off to wrapped in our idioticness. Yes it's a word. Don't look it up just trust me.

Just then a loud jumble of screams were heard outside the suite and a loud banging was heard on the door. We all froze in our spots, wide eyed. Harry crept over to the door and looked through the peephole, smart enough not to open the door.

"What the..." He trailed off, "There's a good 100 fans outside that door. They don't look like they're budging any time soon."

"Well if they're not going we should do something to pass the time," Zayn suggested.


"Die! Die you alien scum!" I yelled at the tv.

I offered to play Halo 2 and i'm pretty sure all of the boys mouths dropped not believing I actually said that. At first they went easy on me thinking I just wanted to play to pretend I liked it. But after a few rounds they realized I had some skill and now we've gone hard core. I'm like a boss at this came. Unlike Liz who was hopelessly confused because she never showed interest in the game before today, so Liam was trying to show her the ropes. So far she's been the first one to die every round. I'm pretty sure any time soon she's gonna give up. So right now it's me, Zayn, Louis, and Liz playing. All the people who aren't. playing are putting bets on the people who are. Harry is going for Louis. Liam is going for Liz, he swears he can turn anyone into a Halo champion. Niall has some brains and is going for me. Zayn, well he has his hair.

"Pick up the grenade that's right beside you!" Liam yelled at the confused Liz.

"What?!? What grenade? How do you pick it up?" Liz asked. During their state of confusion I decided to use my ninja skills and take the grenade at hurl it at Louis's avatar. An explosion erupted and Louis let out a loud shriek.

"Not fair!" Louis pouted throwing his controller on the ground.

I took my eyes off the screen for a second to see his spaz attack go when I heard another loud boom. I looked back to see Liz dead. Well obviously not SHE wasn't dead because you know, death isn't cool bro. Now only me and Zayn are left. It was destiny.

"FOR NARNIA!" I screamed as my avatar ran towards Zayn's

"Wait! No! I'm not ready! I ran out of ammo! Chrissy!"

I didn't care. I shot him down and jumped on the couch doing my victory dance which consisted of the running man and that weird thing where you hold you head and foot and do a spaz attack standing up. Niall joined me in my dance and once we were done we looked at 5 annoyed faces.

"Can I help it if i'm amazing?" I asked putting a hand on my hip.

"Okay now that we're done being creamed by Chrissy in Halo let's do something else," Zayn suggested.

"I know!" Harry said with a devious smile. 

"Truth or dare!"


Hello Hello Hello!

Why so many hello's you ask? I don't know why. Geez you need an answer for everything?

Sorry it's short but I kind of didn't have time so I wrote litteraly any second of free time. Stop complaining and eat the burrito in front you. If you don't have a burrito it's because you didn't believe hard enough. BELIEVE!

Lately I've been slightly obsessed with a capella groups. I blame Pitch Perfect. Oh well :) SO here's one of the groups.  I love this song to begin with so this made me beyond happy.         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

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Find Neverland with me? I wonder if the lost boys are still lost...

~ <3 Z

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