Chapter 7- I'm as straight as Harry's hair

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"No way in Oreo heaven am I going to do that,"

Liz and I reluctantly agreed to play truth or dare with the boys and now we're all in a circle like we're about to play spin the bottle. Right now I wish we were playing that instead because this is nowhere near as good. Not that kissing them wouldn't be fun. I mean... ANYWAYS.

"You have to do it Chrissy, you chose dare not truth." Harry countered.

I look down to see a weird mixture of random foods and drinks mashed together in a cup with a fork in it. It smells awful and is in between the colors of gross and yuck. How in the heck am I supposed to eat that?

I tried again, "But I can't eat it because... because I don't have a spoon!" I said making up a seemingly legit reason. "How am I supposed to gulp this down without a proper eating device?"

"I'll just go get one then," Louis said acting as if he was doing me a favor.

"NO!" Liam screamed. He lunged towards Louis and tackled him to the ground. He was on top of Lupus and looked him straight in the eyes. "No spoons."

With a great deal of effort Louis was able to get the spoonaphobic Liam off of him. They both got up and Liam continued his trip to the kitchen whilst Liam sat sulking.

''Not the spoons," Liam pouted. Liz, who was sitting next to him gently patted his his back and Liam put his head on her shoulder.

Louis came back from the kitchen holding up the spoon like it was a trophy. "I have come with Chrissy's weapon of choice!" He screamed while galloping towards our circle. He took the fork out of the gross conviction and traded it for the spoon. I heard Liam let out a little squeal and if it wasn't for the nasty thing I was about to eat I would have laughed.

Everyone started chanting, "EAT! EAT! EAT! EAT" Well it's now or never. Is never even an option? Because if it is right now would be a good time to use it. I held the spoon up to my face and put the spoon in my mouth letting the goop slide down my throat.

I started gagging from the awful stuff.

"Son of a buscuit-eater! That was disgusting! What did you put in it? FRIED GRASS?"

I ran to kitchen to try to flush out my mouth from the horrible taste. While was decontaminating my food hole I could hear the hysterics going on in the living room. I see how it is. Time for this ninja to get her revenge.

I came back into the living room scanning the place until I locks eyes with who I was looking for. Harry.

"Harry, dare or dare," I asked

He raised an eyebrow at me, "I don't get truth as a choice?"

"Nope," I said popping the p, " i'm the only whovian here so I make the rules."

"Okay... I guess I choose dare." He said unsure.

I feel like a puma who just ate a bowl full of Tac-os. Ready to go.

"I dare you to let one of the boys straighten your hair." I said smiling at my brilliant plan. Score for Chrissy! I should really stop talking to myself...

"No!" He screamed covering his hair with his arms, "Not my precious curls!"

I turned to Zayn and Louis. "Will you do the honors?"

They got up and tackled Harry, grabbing his arms and legs. All of us burst into laughter as Harry was dragged into Zayn's room.

After I recovered from my an workout I looked down.

"Umm guys... can I have some clothes to change into? I feel to fancy for myself." I asked, noticing my formal state. You'd think I would have noticed this faster. But you know what they say, time flies when you're with One Direction.

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