Just Like Old Days

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The group below broke into murmurs.

"Stupid," Arden muttered. "Who issues a challenge in broad daylight?"

"Should we do something?" Sahara whispered, her heart beating rapidly.

Arden shook his head. "LCS will come to take care of those idiots," he muttered.

The group of teenagers below still didn't reply to the new group, sending glares instead to show they weren't welcome.

"I said come out!" the guy yelled.

"Amateurs," Reagan announced. "What's the rush?"

"I guess they all really want a piece of the mysterious Falcons," Arden commented. "They'll be a lot of challenges from now on, you can count on that."

Sahara's heart dropped. "W-what?"

Reagan placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. That's what we're here for." He gave her a toothy grin.

Sahara responded with a brave smile. It was forced. Just how long can we keep up with this bluff if people challenge us? They're bound to find out, and then what? She doubted the boarding crews would just shake it off.

Below, teenagers had turned away from the newcomers, seeming to decide that class was more interesting than the group.

"Hey!" another of the newcomers boarded forward. "How dare you turn your backs!"

"Go back to your city!" someone called.

"Yeah, you're interrupting our important lessons," some added.

There were snickers all around at that one.

The lithium guys looked furious.

"You Regona brats..." One exclaimed. He leaned and his board shot forward.

Sahara watched in awe as the Regona crowd parted and a figure stepped out and grabbed a hold of the board, bringing it to a sudden halt. The boarder on top would have most certainly flow of it wasn't for the gravity pull.

"And here come the big guns," Arden murmured.

Sahara leaned forward. Her eyes widened slightly as she recognized the figure below. It was Calvin. The Omega must have said something, yet from where she stood Sahara couldn't hear it. She watched as he let go of the board and the boarder hesitated only a moment before whirling his board around. He left, the other Lithium guys following, but not without shooting a few death glares back.

"Well that takes care of it," Reagan announced.

"What did he say?" Sahara wondered aloud.

Arden shrugged.

"Who cares?" Reagan turned his back to the dispersing crowd. "How about we head out and have some fun...ahhhh!" He let out a yelp as his older brother slapped him across the back of his head. "What was that for?" Reagan glared.

"Don't know...you face just suddenly ticked me off," Arden replied.

"If my face bothers you then slap yourself!"

"That makes no sense." Arden turned to Sahara. "We should get back to class."

Reagan's jaw dropped.

"Come on." Arden turned.

"Are you insane?" Reagan asked. "Who are you?" He turned to Sahara while jerking a thumb at Arden. "Who is that?"

"Reagan." His brother turned. "Let's go." There was no tone of amusement in his voice.

"He's a weird one," Reagan muttered. "Well..." He lifted a hand in farewell. "Don't move after classes are over. We'll come to pick you u..." Arden grabbed him by the collar and dragged him back. "Geeze!" Reagan turned to his brother. "Have you lost it?"

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