A Seed Planted

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Sahara was upset. Yes, Terrell had finally shared with her what he suspected what was going on, yet after sharing what he knew her boyfriend pretty much ignored her. It was as though he forgot all about her as he began to work with the Phantoms. The fact that he had said she shouldn't do anything didn't sit with her well either. The more she watched him interacting with the Phantoms, especially some of the girls, the more irritated she felt. It also made her painfully aware of just how little she knew about Terrell.

Realizing that he want going to pay much attention to her, Sahara took her leave. She ignored the looks that were thrown after her as Glen and Noah trailed in her wake. She would have gotten lost in the sewers if Noah had not silently taken the lead to show her the way. Once they reached the outside, Noah turned to her.

"Can you find your way home?"

Sahara didn't reply.

"I know the way," Glen volunteered.

Noah nodded. "I'll follow you guys in a bit. There's some things I still need to do." He shot Sahara a glance. When she didn't say a word he shrugged and disappeared back in the sewers.

Sahara boarded forward. A few seconds was all it took for Glen to come up beside her.

"You upset?"

They rounded a corner.

"No," Sahara replied. However, her voice gave her away.

"You seemed fine a little while ago." Glen boarded slightly faster to take the lead. "Looks like you're feeling a little left out."

Sahara snorted.

Glen shot a look over his shoulders. "Frowning doesn't suite you." With that he leaned forward and took off.

Sahara stared at his back, stunned. Then, she too increased her pace so she wouldn't be left behind.

They boarded for a good while until they came to an area Sahara recognized. They cut through a busy street before turning into another alley.

Sahara was so lost in her thoughts that she almost collided with Glen. She jerked her own board to a stop, mouth opening in protest. The words died on her lips as she saw the reason for their sudden stop. A boarder had appeared before Glen, blocking their path from the narrow alley.

Glen didn't say a word as he swayed to the right. The other boarder followed, eyes not leaving Glen for a second.

Sahara turned her head only to see that another boarder had come up behind. He swayed back and forth, watching her calmly.

What's going on here? Sahara couldn't help but wonder. Scenarios flashed through her mind and she swallowed. None of them were good.

"You wouldn't mind getting out of our way, would you?" Glen asked. The ex-omega stayed as calm as ever, however, he also straightened, a dangerous aura emitting from him.

The guy in front didn't reply.

"We just need a few minutes of your time." It was the one from behind who said it.

Sahara turned her head.

"He wants to talk."

"You know these guys?" Glen asked Sahara.

She shook her head. "Who?" she asked the guy behind.

The response was the guy simply moving slightly to the side and beckoning for her to come.

Sahara and Glen didn't move.

"Ten minutes," the guy said.

"Who?" Sahara refused to move without the question being answered.

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