A City Awakes

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The city of Regona bustled as usual. Fake sunlight embraced those below going about their business. The school was empty – it was a weekend. Throughout the city the teenage population was quiet. It wasn't unusual, for on the off days they tended to sleep during the day and get up at the night. However, today was going to be different.

Sahara swayed back and forth on her hovering board. From on top of the building she had found she gazed at the city below. People chatted, people laughed. Those who did not belong here did not know what was coming.

She lifted her eyes to the clear sky. The stiffness in her neck from the morning was disappearing. Somehow she had ended up falling asleep while sitting on the couch. It hadn't been a peaceful sleep, or a very comfortable one. Her stomach churned, no doubt complaining about the little breakfast she had managed to swallow. She couldn't help it, it was the nerves.

Her eyes darted to her wrist. She swiped a hand across and a hologram clock popped up. 11:30...thirty minutes till it begins. She swallowed, trying to settle her stomach. The others will have called together their own crew as well as those in their area. She bit her lip as she remembered what she had learned yesterday.

"We'll call the crews together, all of them," Noah had said.

"How's that possible?" Sahara posed the question.

"An Omega isn't just leader of the top crew. They have power over their whole area," Glen revealed. "If they call a meeting, the others will come."

Sahara was doubtful. "And they'll listen?"

"It's in the Creed. They'll come."

"Call them as late as you can before we start. If they have little notice it'll be less likely that Lithium will catch wind," Terrell added.

Sahara bit her lip. The twins had organized sending out the message. Now the crews of the fifth area should be gathering in the location she had chosen. If any of them come... She wrapped her arms around herself.

"You okay?" Arden's voice called.

Sahara turned. Behind her stood the twins, Orion and Paige. Sahara's eyes drifted over them and she gave them a nervous smile.


"You'll do great," Reagan assured.

"Did...did any of them come?" Sahara dared the question.

Paige grinned. "Oh, did they?" Her eyes sparkled. "It seems they're quite curious as to what the newest Omega has to say."

"So...some came?"

"Some?" Arden smiled at that. "I'd say all of them."

Sahara's stomach fluttered. "How many?"

"Hmm..." Reagan lifted his fingers, as though counting. "I think it's..." He turned to his twin. "Aren't you the one good at math?"

Arden let out a sigh. "Why don't you come and see for yourself?"

Sahara swallowed.

Her eyes turned to Orion, yet he was looking elsewhere, eyes troubled. He had returned in the morning and without a word joined the crew for breakfast.

Taking a deep breath Sahara nodded. "Let's go."

Her crew members nodded. They got on their own boards and waiting for Sahara to lead the way. She headed for the stairs. The five Falcons followed her down, one following the other in silence. When they exited at the bottom Sahara took a right turn. She went straight before turning sharply to the left and boarding to the area they often used for moonlight gatherings.

Regona City: Tempest (BK3)Where stories live. Discover now