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Dust swirled across the bleak landscape. Not a rock or plant were in sight. The sun beat without mercy, as though wanting to make sure that no life returned to the outside. Yet, inside the bubble that surrounded Regona the temperature was pleasant.

On the edge of the city, by wheat fields, a processions stood in silence around a mound of dirt freshly dug up only to be thrown back in the hole it had previously created.

Standing around it, a small group gazed at the spot.

The twins were next to each other. Both wore suits and bowties. Sunglasses covered their eyes as they gazed down at the ground. Orion came next. He, too, wore a suit, minus the bowtie. His sunglasses were not as dark and so showed the somewhat intrigued look currently in his eyes. He cocked his head to the side as he stared at the pile of dirt, as though considering something.

Alegra was next to him. Her hair was neatly braided. She wore a fashionable black dress and a large floppy black sunhat on her head. Her sunglasses added to her look, making her stand out in the group and seeming more like an idol than anything. In front of her stood Naomi. She was dressed in the same fashion as Alegra, looking like a little twin. She sniffed, momentarily breaking the silence. In one hand she clutched a bouquet of colorful flowers while in the other was a delicate silk handkerchief. The latter was used to dramatically dab her dry eyes.

Beside them stood Noah. He leaned on a shovel. The dust on his white shirt gave away that he had been the one to dig. His tie was loosened and black jacket lay on the ground behind him where he had deposited to work. His hair, for once, was a normal brown. However, if one looked closely the streaks of green could be made out.

Next to him, looking utterly bewildered, was Paige. She was somewhat out of place in her casual jeans and shirt, giving the impression that perhaps she had not been informed of this event in a timely manner.

Then came none other than the leader of the Falcons. The gentle breeze tugged at her hair as she, too, was silent, eyes on the mound. Like the others she wore black, however, there were no sunglasses covering her eyes. She was chewing her bottom lip, as though keeping herself from saying something. When another sniffle came from Naomi, Sahara leaned into the person next to her.

With his arm snaked around her shoulder, Terrell stood close. Like Alegra, he stood out without trying. The suit he wore complemented his dark hair. Sunglasses covered his eyes but did little to hide the bored expression. A pocket bulged from which a carton of strawberry milk peeked out. A lollipop was stuck in his mouth. He reached in and pulled it out with a pop.

"I think..." he began.

All eyes turned to him.

"Shh," Reagan told him angrily.

Terrell sighed.

A solemn silence resumed and Naomi walked forward. She placed the flowers on the mound, letting out another sniff as she did so. Standing, she turned to the group.

"We should say something," came the announcement.

Noah's eyebrows rose.

"I'll do it." Reagan took a step forward as Naomi walked back to take her place by Alegra. The younger twin cleared his throat. "Thank you all for coming today. It's much appreciated." He glanced at the mound of dirt. "I know he would appreciate it."

Naomi nodded in agreement, dabbing her eyes again.

"Perhaps we should take this moment to each say something about our favorite memory," Reagan continued. "I know that mine was when on a cold a dreary day..."

Regona City: Tempest (BK3)Where stories live. Discover now