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Voices drifted through the thick fog.

"You're kidding me...right?"


Sahara knew those voices. She pulled the sheet up, snuggling deeper as she refused to open her eyes. She didn't want to get up. Taking a deep breath a smile spread over her face as she realized she was breathing in Terrell's scent.


"It kind of makes sense though...she must have become trapped her after the virus...If she had said something the crews would have been at her throat."


"You don't think she brought..."

"Now you're going too far!"

Sahara took another breath. Why does it smell of Terrell? The question popped into her mind. Her eyes flew open and she sat bolt upright. She found herself sitting on Terrell's mattress at the top floor of the warehouse. What...? Slowly the events of the previous day filtered back into her mind. After crying her eyes out she had been too exhausted to do anything. She dimly remembered Terrell picking her up, taking her back to the warehouse, and then herself explaining to story in jumbled pieces before she had succumbed to her exhaustion. Terrell brought me all the way back... A pang of guilt shot through her.

"But still..." Reagan's voice was filled with frustration. "Why didn't she just go back the moment Lithium came?"

"Maybe she didn't want to," Arden replied.

There was a snort. "Have you heard of the royal city? It's paradise! Who in their right mind wouldn't want to go there! It's a place us mere mortals can only dream of!"

"Everyone has their reasons..." that was Orion.

"Okay...but then why didn't she put a stop to Lithium?"

Sahara pushed the sheet off her. She was relieved to see she still wore the same clothes as the day before, meaning that no one had tried to change her. It also made her realize how desperately she needed a shower. She shot a glance to the first floor where the guys were still talking. Her hand went to her face. Her tears had dried.

No more crying... Sahara scolded herself. Tears don't solve a thing. She got to her feet and took a deep breath. It's time to do something.

She headed for the stairs. As soon as she reached the top, the voices below died. The twins and Orion sat around the table, deep in discussion. There was no sign of Terrell or Noah. Swallowing her disappointment, Sahara made her way down.

The guys watched her, but no one said a thing. She didn't say a word either but headed to her part of the room, grabbed some fresh clothes, and walked to the showers. She got in and let the water wash over her while she thought things through.

Alegra said she's going to try see what she can find out her end. That leaves it up to us to see what we can do from here. She scrubbed furiously while thinking. When she reached her shoulder she winced at the pain. Looking at it she saw the angry bruise that had formed. She poked it only to wince again. Lithium took Naomi...Lithium took Alegra... She jutted out her chin. They're not taking anyone else from me. She commanded the water to stop and got out.

Drying off she threw on her clothes. For a moment she stayed to stare at her reflection in the mirror. A pair of determined brown eyes stared back at her. You're a leader, so start acting like one, she told herself.

Nodding to herself, she turned and walked out of the bathroom. She marched into the main room to find the guys sitting in silence. Upon hearing her, they turned to look. Sahara put her hands on her hips.

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