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The area around the fountain was lit up by street lights. The constant passing of boarders made it seem as though they flickered as they were briefly blotted out. Music pounded on one side as teenagers danced and chatted. Boards hovered everywhere. It was as though all the crews in Regona were here. Even though it was a moonlight gathering, not one challenge had yet been made. It was almost as though the teens just wanted to hang out, finding comfort by being with their fellow Regonans.

It had been Glen's idea to come. Sahara didn't want to be here. Yet, after laying low for a good week and hearing nothing from Terrell, she had begun to drive her crew crazy by pacing. In the end Glen had dragged her and Reagan here. Arden and Alegra had stayed behind with Naomi, opting for not leaving the warehouse.

Sahara sat in a corner, Reagan with her. The younger twin had been quiet lately. His humor hadn't surfaced since Sahara had shared what Terrell had told her. Instead he seemed in constant thought. Sahara shot him a glance. She was worried.

Curious gazes were shot in her direction. Sahara knew it was most likely because she hadn't come to a moonlight gathering since she had reached the status of Omega.

"You're alive." A familiar voice made Sahara look up. She saw Aaron. He had a board tucked under one arm, crew members trailing behind him. Seeing none other than Troy right behind him, Sahara's eyes widened.

The Phantom member gazed coolly at her.

Sahara's eyes darted to the oblivious Aaron, wondering if he had ever suspected that his second was actually in another crew.

From beside her, where he had casually been lying on his back, Glen sat up. He grinned at Aaron, who had addressed him. "Alive and kicking," He stretched lazily. "Enjoying the break." He cocked his head to the side. "You should try it some time." He didn't give any indication to show that he knew Troy's little secret.


Sahara and Reagan watched as Glen's former second in command bounded over, his ex-crew in trail.

"Long time no see," Glen greeted them.

"Where were you?" his second demanded.

Aaron stepped back to watch.

Glen scratched his head. "Resting?"

"Shouldn't we be forming a new crew?" one of the ex-members asked.

Glen shook his head. "I already joined one."


Sahara saw the looks of shock and disappointment cross Glen's old crew.

Glen jerked a thumb at Sahara and all eyes turned on her, a lot of them hostile. Sahara timidly lifted a hand. "Hi." She gave a small wave.

The eyes stayed on her a moment longer.

"Alright." Glen's second bounded over and took her hand.

Taken by surprise, Sahara sat, frozen. Reagan sat straighter, eyes flashing in warning.

Glen's second gazed at her. "Take good care of us."

Sahara pulled her hand away. "Huh?"

"We're joining your crew," another guy pointed out.

"Not happening," Reagan growled.

"Well, it's decided then." Glen got to his feet. He turned to Sahara with a cheeky grin. "Congrats. Looks like the Falcons just grew...a lot." He turned to his old crew and spread his hands out. "Welcome to the Falcons!"

From where he watched, Aaron looked amused.

"W-wait!" Sahara spluttered. "No way... this is crazy!"

Regona City: Tempest (BK3)Where stories live. Discover now