The Calm

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Voices mixed together, rising into an almost unbearable sound. Students yelled each louder than the one before in order to try and get heard. A long line had formed as they waited to get their food. It was mac and cheese today. In one corner sat a group of girls all dressed in their cheer uniform, chatting as they ate. Near them were a bunch of kids dressed in such colorful clothes that it almost hurt one's eyes to look at them. In another corner was a silent group, each reading a book and not even pausing to look up as they shoved a forkful of mac and chees into their mouths; all at the same time.

"Have I ever mentioned how creepy they are?" a girl with cropped brown hair said as she watched.

Sahara lifted her brown eyes from her plate to see who was being referred to. The cafeteria had never been a silent place. Before, it had intimidated her, now Sahara felt more than comfortable with it. As she caught sight of the group reading books she saw them all reach for their glass of water at the same time. Her face split into a grin.

"They're almost like the twins, doing things at the same time..." the words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

"What twins?" the girl next to her asked as she gave her a quizzical look.

"Oh, just some people I once knew," Sahara waved the question off. It was odd at how easy it had become to brush off the past. At first it had been unbearable to suddenly find herself back in her own world. Yet, as time went on her memories of Regona faded more and more. It felt more like a dream than anything else. Still, there was something inside her that tugged now and then, telling her she was trying to forget in order to not have to feel the pain. Did she want to go back? Perhaps; but she had finally found her place here. She had made friends, had a was everything she had always wanted. Or so she told herself.

A plate thumped down across from her. Sahara turned her attention to the newcomer. With tussled blond hair, piercing grey eyes, and a defined jaw, the guy looked intimidating. There was a fading bruise right under his eye.

"Hi, Hecate," Sahara greeted him warmly.

Hecate grunted in response as he plopped himself down in the chair across from Sahara.

He picked up a fork and began to push the food on his plate around. "I hate caf food," he commented with a scowl.

The girl beside Sahara was watching him carefully. "Doesn't look like any new injuries. You been behaving this week?" she asked.

"Haha, Lena," Hecate replied dryly.

"At least the other one is almost healed up," Sahara pointed out the bright side.

Hecate only grunted in reply before shoving a large forkful of mac and cheese into his mouth. He chewed it once before making a face. Closing his eyes, he made a great show of swallowing it.

"Ech," he made an unidentifiable sound as he washed it down with water.

Sahara hid a grin. She didn't know why she had been so terrified of Hecate in the past. He was one of the kids who had been at the same home she had been before the Kane's adopted her. The rumors about him at the time had made her keep her distance. Yet, things had changed. After actually trying to get to know him, Sahara found that he was really a big softie. Unfortunately for him, he seemed to attract trouble wherever he went and often found himself involved in a fight he wanted no part off.

Just like a certain someone, Sahara grinned at the memory.

"You're always playing with that," Hecate's voice pulled her from her thoughts.

Sahara was surprised to realize she had pulled out the chain around her neck and was playing with the ring at the end of it. "Oh," she let go of the ring at once. "It was a gift from a special friend," she said.

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