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Sahara stared at Noah, speechless at his sudden appearance.

The man in the uniform was looking Noah over, his eyes resting on his hair. The suspicion he was feeling was easily readable on his face. "You two together?" he asked.

With his arm still around Sahara's shoulder, Noah shrugged. "If I say yes, promise you won't tell? See there's someone who would kill me if he found out."

The man's eyes narrowed. He nodded to Sahara's wrist. "Where's her bracelet?"

"Took it in for modification, we were going to pick it up together." Noah replied smoothly. "That's why she was waiting for me here."

"Why aren't you in class?" the man replied. He didn't look satisfied at Noah's answer and seemed to have taken it upon himself to interrogate the two

"Free period," Noah shot back.

The man lifted his wrist and typed something on his bracelet. There was a moment of silence before he looked up. "So it is." He seemed reluctant as he admitted it.

Noah simply smiled widely at him, pulling Sahara closer to him.

"Well," the man grunted. "You two better pick up that bracelet and head back to class." He pointed a finger at Sahara. "Don't let me catch you without it again or I'll have to take you in." His hand went to the side of his helmet and he made the visor appear to cover his eyes once more.

"Thanks for your time," Noah called pleasantly as the man turned and walked back to his hover bike.

Sahara and Noah watched him get on, Noah waving as he zoomed off.

As soon as he was out of sight Noah's hand drop. "Sheesh, those guys are annoying," he said. He took his hand from around Sahara's shoulder. "So, where have you been hiding all this time?"

Sahara didn't reply, her mind working furiously as she tried to take in everything that had happened and put the pieces together in her mind.

Letting out a sigh, Noah grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him. "Regona to Sahara," he said, waving his hand in front of her face.

Sahara blinked. "Huh?"

"Huh?" Noah repeated. He pushed a hand through his pink hair. "The girl disappears for months to who knows where and the only thing she can say is huh?" He eyed her as one hand went into his pocket. "Then again, I doubt you're going to tell me if you stayed hidden that long."

"How did you find me?" Sahara asked.

Noah's eyebrows rose. "Considering that you were standing right here in the open..." he trailed off. "Seriously though, we can thank Terrell for that."

Sahara's eyes widened slightly at the sound of the name.

"Geeze, luckily he told me to keep an eye on this place." Noah tapped a finger on his chin. "Guess he figured you come back around the area and not do a pretty good job at staying low. It wouldn't be good if they found out you are a leader of a crew...especially the Falcons."


"They're trying to make us more...civilized. The omegas are in their own special 'class' as they call it."

Class? They? None of what Noah was saying made any sense to her. "What's going on here?" Sahara whispered.

"What's that?" Noah asked.

Sahara realized her mistake. Only Terrell and Rayne know I'm not from Regona. No one else knows a thing...and considering that Noah was asking where I was hiding means that Terrell didn't tell him either. Terrell's warning never to tell anyone flashed through her mind. "What about Terrell?" she asked, smoothly averting attention away from the subject before.

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