A Fleeting Moment

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Sahara was braced for what she would find. She was ready for the heartbreaking scene she was sure she was about to witness.

There's no way he would wait for me, she told herself as she stumbled into the room. Don't look, something screamed inside her, yet she ignored it. She had to see it herself, the scene she was sure would crush her.

It was when the noise hit her ears that she realized her eyes were closed. She cracked them open just in time to see the object flying towards her. She dodged just in time. Hearing a crash, she was sure the glass had smashed against the wall behind her, yet she didn't turn, her eyes glued to the scene before her.

The small table in the middle of the room was overturned, cards scattered on the floor. A chair lay broken. A guy fell backwards, landing on the table and breaking it. From the direction he had come, four more guys stood, facing someone.

"You dirty cheater!" a guy yelled angrily.

There was a sound of a fist connecting with something. There was but a moment before one of the guys doubled over, seeming in pain.

"I won fair and square," a voice that made Sahara freeze spoke. She knew that voice.

"Scared you, didn't I?" Noah whispered in her ear.

Sahara jumped in surprise. She turned to see Noah grinning at her.

"You were exciting to find something else, weren't you?" Noah asked. "Admit it." He looked more than amused. "There were naughty thoughts in that mind of yours."

Sahara's eyes widened. "Did you...?

Noah's grin widened.

"It's not possible win a game of Grandore eight times in a row without cheating," one of the guys growled. The one lying on the table let out a moan, yet didn't move to get up.

"I told you," the familiar voice replied, sounding more than bored. "There's nothing to it other than the fact that I'm a genius."


There was the sound of a fist connecting with something once more.

Realizing the situation, Sahara took a step forward. Noah's hand shot out and grabbed her arm, stopping her. She turned only to find him shaking his head.

Sahara whirled back to face the front. The guys were still hitting the person in the corner, and yet there was no retaliation. She winced with every blow. Why? She turned to give Noah a pleading look. Why isn't he fighting back?

Letting out a visible sigh, Noah stepped forward. "Alright." He clapped his hands. "That's enough now." He walked towards the guys. No one paid him any attention. Not put off, Noah stayed on his path. He reached the guys and grabbed one of them. "I said," he pulled him back, "that's enough." He jerked hard, sending the guy stumbling. With a growl, the guy charged him, ready to punch.

"Uh uh," Noah wagged his finger. He pointed in Sahara's direction. "There's a lady in the house."

The guy's fist froze. Noah's words seemed to get the other's attention. They turned, stopping what they were doing.

"Alright then. What's the issue here?" Noah asked. "Hmm?" he glanced at the figure Sahara could see was slumped against the wall. "Last time I saw you were playing a nice quiet round of Grandore. I should have known better than to leave you alone when it came to that."

"He cheated," one of the guys declared, as though to justify their actions.

Sahara heard a murmur that sounded a lot like "didn't cheat" from the figure on the ground.

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