A Phantom Intrudes

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Wind tore at Sahara from every direction, threatening to tear her board from her grasp. She held on, her eyes watering. The buildings below were growing steadily closer as she continued to plummet. The figure that had jumped ahead of her smoothly twisted in the air and landed on his in a perfect crouch. Sahara could only marvel at how without missing a beat he continued to board.

Deciding it was better to stop the uncontrolled fall now than later, Sahara switched her board on. Almost immediately her falling speed was reduced as her board fought against gravity. She rocked back and forth, struggling as she tried to stand in a not so graceful way.

Terrell made it look so easy, she couldn't help but think.

Another struggle and she was up. The next moment she switched her gravity pull on, not trusting herself without it at this height. She was a decent boarder, but she was no Terrell. He's crazy, she thought as she shot him a glance. He had slowed down, giving her a chance to catch up. How does he board with no pull like it's nothing?

As thought sensing her gaze he turned his head and shot her a dazzling smile.

When her bracelet vibrated, Sahara swiped across to pick up the call.

"You ready to go get back our twerp?" Terrell's voice sounded as clear as though her were standing right beside her.

She nodded.

Orion pulled up beside her.

Terrell nodded at him. He then proceed to pull up his mask to cover half of his face.

Being a mysterious Phantom as always, Sahara couldn't help but think as nothing but those green eyes were left in view.

Terrell turned and shot towards their destination below.

Sahara didn't hesitate to follow.

Her eyes landed on the large building. It stood some way from the center of the city, the fact that it was white making it stand out from all the silver around it. Within that building was the target of their rescue.

As they drew closer Sahara was able to make out the commotion going on around the building on ground level.

"Roman, you take some of the Phantoms and make a commotion around the building. Draw their attention," Terrell's command echoed.

Looks like he's doing just that, Sahara thought. A moment later her heart sank as her eyes darted to the roof of the building.

"Terrell!" she called.

There were several LCS members standing there, pointing at the approaching teens above.

Though it was only five, Sahara could see that they were aiming something. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to make out what it was.

A moment later she saw a flash. Something whizzed by her and she heard Orion let out a yell. Another flash.

There was a crack. Sahara saw something fly off the edge of her board. She knelt down, her board slowing down. Her fingers went to the chip in the side of her board and she felt her blood run cold as realization hit her.


Orion crashed into her, moving her out of the way as suddenly the flashes began in succession.

"Don't stop moving!" he warned her.

Sahara's heart pounded as her eyes turned to the roof below.

The LCS won't use live rounds that easily, Paige's word echoed in her mind.

It seemed that the girl had gotten that part wrong.

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