Blonde boy

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"Hey Y/N do you mind filling in for me tonight?"

"Yeah of course Rox! May I ask why though?"
Right know I'm having my shift at the 'coffee 'n' beer bar' I've been working since lunch and right know it 2:47.

"Oh, it's just I promised Noah I'd go on this movie night he's been wanting me to go to for a while now, I haven't been able to cause of my shifts" Roxie explains.

"Oh, of course I'll take you shift tonight"
I feel bad for Roxie cause I know how much Noah means to her and how much she loves him.

"Thanks Y/N your a life saver!" She says wrapping in a bear hug.

"Woah, it's no problem I know how much you love Noah even though sometimes I feel a bit too single, I'll still make sure your relationship is amazing, that's what friends are for! Right?"I replied.

"Oh my god thanks and I promise when you and me both have a day off we'll have a girls night, since I feel bad for always reminding you that your single!" She giggles as she says the last part.

"Ayy!" I say playfully whipping her with the tea towel I'm using to dry the beer mugs.

"Ow!" She complained.

I laugh "Whatever, let's get back to work before we get in trouble"

"Ok, wouldn't want you to get fired within the first three days you've been in London,would we?" She says.

"Of course not, cause then what would be the point in moving here!" I tease.

"You moved to see me! So there would be a reason!" She says hitting me.

"Ok,ok,ok, sorry" I say " now let's get back to work since you only have about twenty minutes before you can leave" I say checking the clock.

"Right, about that, you'll be working till ten thirty tonight"she says moving back a bit.

"WHAT!?" I yell.

"Chill, ok, I usually do that shift all the time so your lucky it's a once of!" She warns.

"Well you know I still have boxes in my apartment I need to empty!" I complain.

"Yeah,yeah, and I'll help you with that tomorrow before we go out for our girls night!" She says.

"You better,you owe me that much" I mumble.

"Whatever get back to work now if you want me here to help before I leave"

I go out from behind the bar and Roxie hands me a tray.

"Table '8' now" is all she says as I take the tray and head to table eight.

I place the tray down and head back to the bar.

"Have a nice day!" I say to the couple that just ordered and took it for an on the go.
I turn around to look at the clock then I hear Roxie place her apron on the bench in front of me.

"Alright,well I'm off Y/N, thanks again you're a life saver!" She says reaching across the table to hug me.

" No problem Rox" I say hugging her back "but you owe me remember?" I say pulling back to look at her.

She gives me a little smirk.
"Yeah I know don't worry" she says laughing lightly hugging me again. She pulls back and go's to head to the door.

"Don't forget to tell me how it goes girl!" I say laughing.

She doesn't turn around but does a little heart with one hand saying love you to me before she shuts the door behind her.
I sigh, now knowing that I have no one to talk to cause Taylor doesn't have her shift today and Jayden's over in Europe for the week.

I grab Roxie's apron of the table and head to the little laundry room we have and then chuck her apron in the basket that's on top of the washing machine then I head back out to the bar.

I decide to sit down on the stool that's inside the bar for the bartender and just sit there for a while since the place is practically empty there's only two or three people sitting eating.

I get up and go to one of the newly empty table and take the tray and cups, cutlery and plates that's left there and stack them on the tray and head to the kitchen and put them in the since to the cook's to clean them then head back out with a wet cloth and wipe the table down then head back to the bar just as a tall blonde boy sits down.

I head over to the end of the bar where he is.

"Good evening sir,can I get you anything?" I ask changing my tone to a customer friendly tone.

"Yes please love, just a beer for now" he says putting £2:45 on the bar.

I go over to the beer font (the beer dispenser) and grab a beer mug from above it and fill it with some beer and hand it to the blonde boy taking the money and putting it in the cash register.

"You must be a usual customer cause you knew exactly how much it was?" I say.

The boy takes a sip and looks at me with his dark brown coco eye's.

"Yeah, and you must be new here love, haven't seen you here and I'm here practically every day" he says with a smile flashing perfect shiny white teeth.

"Yes I am, I moved here form America, Moved here to see a friend I missed for a long time" I reply flashing the same smile.

"Well I've been here for quite some time now I moved into the apartment building just down the road a couple years ago" He says taking another sip.

I smile at him "Funny, I moved there about three days ago" I say "There was a problem with the moving, They got the day I needed the boxes wrong so I got the boxes yesterday" I say rolling my eyes.

"Ahh, that must have been you, I heard some chaos happening" he says grinning.

"Oh my god, sorry about that, me and my friend Roxie we're yelling at each other, She was being annoying, but trying to help me find them cause I thought the movers gave them to the wrong apartment" I say embarrassed.

"Don't worry love, it always happens, it's happened to me and my neighbor when we first moved in, they always do it" he says laughing.

"Really!" I say a bit surprised "well they mustn't get good reviews then do they" I say laughing.

"No they don't have good reviews" he agrees laughing as well.

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