Girls talk you know

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Y/N pov:

"So what happened yesterday?"

"Roxie drop it ,please" I say.

Roxie's like that friend who even if you are amazing at hiding your feelings still finds it, and is one of those best friends you've been with and grown up with since birth and cause of that they know what's happened in your past.

"Sorry" she says going back to unpacking the box she had.

Since Roxie promised to help me unpack since I took over her shift I decided I should do it today and not have boxes sitting around everywhere.

"It's fine I ju-" I breathe deeply to try and stop myself from crying "I just..."

That's when I couldn't fight it anymore.

I stop what I was unpacking and slide down the wall and pulling my knees up and resting my elbows on the so my hands can hold my head.

"Y/N!" Roxie runs over to me and bends down in front of me.

"I just can't keep doing it" I say running my hands through my hair not caring that it would probably look a total mess after.

"Don't tell me he called you agian?" Roxie asks sitting next to me.

"Y-yeah, he did" I say trying to settel my breathing at the same time.

"Oh god" she says with a huge amount if annoyance.

That's when I feel my nose start to tingle and I feel my breathing become uneven and my bottom eyelid become heavy from trying to fight back my tears.

"What did he say cause I swear if that fucking cunt said anything I specifically hate I'm gonna kill that asshole" Roxie says somehow calmly.

I feel her hand go to my shoulder and start to rub it in a comforting manner.

"What did he say?" She asks again.

That's when my bottom eyelid feels like it brakes, and any last restraint I had left to stop me from crying has lost the war between my emotion's and everything just slips free.

"H-he umm" I try to breathe and get a proper sentence out without stuttering but it's no use.

My breathing becomes quicker by the minute and I feel my chest heaving up and down like my heart and breath are trying to get out, and I feel something cold and icy fall down my cheek making a depressing path and any bit of skin it touches on its way down my cheek turns cold depressing.

"Hey, hey" Roxie says soothingly "you don't have to tell me right now you can tell when you've called down" Roxie says still rubbing my shoulder.

I shake my head and start to breathe more evenly and start to feel my heart slow down but my emotion's are still pretty high up there.

"He just called me to start an argument like usual, and I had the most massive go at him in front of Thomas, it was so fucking embarrassing and it's his fault like he always does he always just calls and acts like he's trying to resolve whatever dumb fucked up reason he started an argument before hand and then just fucks it up even more and the worst part is is that he's the only closest family member I have left, why did it have to be him though why couldn't he go instead of Liam, why did Liam have to go, he was the oldest and nicest and always stuck up for me in high school!" I ramble out.

Roxie just sits there like the amazing friend she is and listens to my problem just like when we were younger and dumb and not having the slightest care in the world of anything.

"Look, I know what you mean Liam was so nice and the worst things always happen to the nicest people who don't deserve it, and I'm telling you right now, don't fucking talk,contact or even fucking think of that mother fucker alright, he's not worth any piece of you mind to be thought of or even talked to alright, you have moved to London for a fresh start and yet your still letting this affect your time at London!"
Roxie states with a stern voice.
"Don't let this ruin what your doing here alright! Your an amazing person who needs to get her career up and walking and get yourself up and walking aswell so don't let someone who isn't worth any part of you or your blood to puch you down and make you feel smaller than him alright, cause you are taller then he ever will be!" She says smiling and playfully hitting me on the arm.

"You do mean that metaphorically right, cause I'm like ten times shorter then him" I say laughing.

"Yeah I do cause I know how small you are" she says laughing.

"Thanks Rox!" I says smiling "where would I be without you" I says hugging her.

"Well you'd most likely still be in America no where with you career like your are now and probably still on the ground having a mental brake down" Roxie states pulling back with a small smirk.

"It was a retorical question dumbass!" I says slapping her.

"Well you know I suck at English and always had any English teacher even the substitutes hate me!" She says rubbing her arm pouting like a little kid.

"Yeah and then I was always the English teachers best student but a fucking two year old would know that!" I tease.

"Alright whatever!" She says raising her arm as if surrendering "anyway who's this Thomas guy?" She smirks raising her eyebrows, while pulling me up of the ground.

"It's none of ya buisness Miss nosey!" I say turning back to my box and pulling the reamining things out then chucking it at Roxie.

"Well it kinda is if meh baby is growing up and going to elope and not let me plan the damn weeding I've been planning since year two" she says chucking the box at the front door to take out when we go out there.

"Wha- wait what!" I yell actually hearing what she said "since year two! Damn that's long cause I'm fucking twenty-three!" I say turning to her.

"Yeah ya think I'm gonna leave all the preparations for last minute!"

"Umm I'm not planning on getting married any time soon or ever to be precise, I wanna stay the single badass bitch I am today!" I says with a lot of smugness in it.

"Not on my watch ya ain't!" She says in a motherly tone.

"Well that's up to me not you!" I reply.

"So ya gonna tell me who this is or gonna leave me to go back into full Sherlock Holmes like I have ten million times!" She says annoyed "Nuh uh ya ain't!"

I just laugh.

"Alright well that's all the boxes out ya go ya don't wanna late for work!" I say grabbing her phone of one of the coffee table and pushing her out the door before she can say anything else to get on my nerves.

"I will find ou-"

I cut Roxie off with an "uh huh" and shut the door on her.

She's still start a whole mystery I know it.

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