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Okay guys, so technically I think I remember saying that last week you'd get an update this week. My mom's too distracted playing Bubble Witch Saga 2 (thank the gods).

So here ya'll go.


Note: If you are an Apollo kid... I'm sorry... all you guys are kinda doomed in this chappie... whoops...? But, what can I say? I'm an Ares kid, AND WE LOVE VIOLENCE & KILLING!! :)

Okay, maybe I do like sinking holes in this ship..--BUT IT'S AN INSTINCT. Gawds why does Ares even date Aphrodite? You know what I think?? Ares is a baakaaa.Yeah, I said it, dad.

I doubt he even knows what Baka means -.-"


Will Solace. Will Solace. Will Solace.

You couldn't believe the shock on Nico's face as he found out that Will had passed away. Ever since that encounter with cupid... he really wasn't into confessing his love for others, unless it was Hazel, his sister.

Time had gone by too fast, and that was also Nico's opinion.

He remembered how he noted that Octavian looked nothing like Will, and that was the first step into falling head over sneakers for that guy. You see...Nico never really had a thing for girls... okay, maybe a slight bit, but guys interested him more.

He didn't care about Will that much... until now.

It had been almost twelve years since the prophecy of the seven had been fulfilled and the balance was kept. That was... until a certain someone had cast a spell on accident, cursing all of the Apollo cabin.

But now, Will's siblings looked like Octavian. Their bright blonde hair was brushed into wavy and curly dreadlocks. The eyes filled with different shades of blue on a sunny day were turning darker and darker. All the laughs, jokes, arrogance had dropped to an all time low for the Apollo campers.

But everyone was worried.

Of course Apollo was worried sick. His children were sick. And sending Asklepius to tartarus again hadn't exactly been his plan, but Zeus' again. And for this time, Asklepius was stuck there... for another millenia. His punishment was... to wander around aimlessly forever and ever, getting thirstier, hungrier and more vengeful.

But Apollo knew his son would never be the vengeful type. Try as he may, Apollo actually was concerned and worried about his kids... from time to time (when he wasn't flirting with more mortals).


Will was also one of the last Apollo campers to stay alive. He'd been expected to die a days earlier, but this wouldn't cut it.

No one could really save the Apollo's children as long as the right person wasn't born yet.

And yet, Nico accepted the challenge.

He ran towards Rachel's cave and demanded for a prophecy. He screamed, begged, cried, laughed maniacally... and when the spirit of delphi was pestered enough, it hissed at Nico:

Come born of children three,
One will save, One will see,
The last one shall meet the end,
And they will meet an unexpected friend,
Three will survive, one will die,
Four heroes will save the eye,
And they will see the final day,
The day in which the fates have decreed,
And because of this, the day will succeed.

Nico di angelo, son of Hades,
You will die in the shadows,
You will suffocate, drown, submerge,
In the peaceful meadow skeletons emerge,
And should you seek the change Will's fate,
The entrance to Asphodel awaits.


Rumours of Asphodel swirled through his mind. He clearly remembered his sister telling him that you never felt any emotion there. That you would feel nothing. And that's when you started to fade away like you actually were nothing.

But Will was gone, What choice did Nico have?

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