I Love You VII

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It means nothing to me...


Nico had lied.

Will had no idea that he lied to him— so he just tried to push the memory back and let it fade from his thoughts.

It was embarrassing. It was wrong. He was sure that Nico liked him.

He had always noticed how more insecure and nervous Nico was around him. He had noticed his sudden change of attitude and the microscopic tugs on his mouth that almost made Nico smile.

He had also noticed how easier it was to communicate to Nico if he talked to him— no one else, just him.

Just Will Solace.


Nico buried his face in his hands.

What have I done...? He thought and sulked.

This would ruin his relationship towards Will— if he had any, to begin with.

He made himself look so foolish. He acted differently towards him, and Nico was sure he had noticed that. Nico had also always been comfortable around him for some reason— but didn't know why.

Will Solace. Will Solace. What have you done to me...?

"It's time..." Nico whispered "To think about this..."


Will woke up from a nightmare.

He had dreamed that Nico was outside camp— and danger.

He didn't care how stupid he looked. He would risk this for Nico even if he got injured himself.

He knew that Nico could easily blend into the shadows and sneak past the Harpies.

So crawled out of bed and slipped on a jacket. He "borrowed" one of his siblings' archery set and bounded off towards where the Hades Cabin was.


"Nico. You have done this before. It's no big deal..." He reminded himself "You're just going to go for a short walk..."

His eyes squinted as he clutched his Stygian Iron weapon tightly. Being outside during night inside the woods was dangerous— everyone knew that.

But since Kronos' death, he believed that the ones on Kronos' side were the ones that had allowed the monsters to get past the barrier, thus making the woods a dangerous place.

But hey, Kronos is already dead for now— none of his servants are at Camp Half-Blood... So there shouldn't be any monsters here anymore... Right?


Will cursed as his last arrow missed the creepy-looking silhouette that darted from branch to branch.

He had gotten his Father's medical knowledge— but unfortunately, hardly any of the archery skills were passed onto him. So he made use of this during battle.

And that's when he heard a shout come from deeper inside the woods.

It sounded like.... Nico's— before he knew what he was doing, his legs were already carrying him towards the source of the sound.

"Nico!" he shouted and looked at the Demigod who had tripped on a tree root.

"Will..." he heard him whisper "I'm fine. Go back to camp." Nico got up dusted his shoulders and got up and resumed walking, as if that didn't happen.

"No you're not... Please tell me you didn't try to use any of that underworld magic of yours. Don't try to ell me you're okay because you probably have a bruise now."

"I didn't try the magic. I don't have a bruise."

"Are you sure?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe..." Nico shrugged and walked away from him "I don't think it matters though."

"Hey since we're already here... Want to go for a walk...?" Will asked him.

Nico just stared at him and said "Fine... I don't know what would happen if I got attacked."

Will seemed happy with his response and walked alongside the Italian teenager. He hummed a little song next to him.

Soon, they were already close to the edge of the woods.

"Hey Nico..." Will began "Just a question out of that blue— but did you actually s-say that..."

"Say what?" Nico asked.

He was confused.

Will never stuttered. Ever.

"Say what you meant...?"

"Oh... I..." Nico stammered.


A/n: I feel like such a jerked for writing short things and filling this boom with lots of author's notes as parts... So I'll try to write longer than usual.


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