A/N: Question

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So for all you reading, I won't be updating anymore after Monday 30th March (New Zealand time).

So guys, on Tuesday-Thursday I have camp. After that I spend one night to recover and ride in a car for four hours to a new destination; my new house. And I won't have any wifi for a while...

So I have some options for you guys if you want me to keep updating:

A) Update once per day.

B) update twice per day.

C) update once every other day.

D) Don't update.

E) Don't update until you find a good idea for a one shot/Headcannon.

F) Update as much as possible.

G) Other (please state another idea)

Those are the options above. Please tell me what you think because after the 30th of March I won't have wifi for at least one week (most likely one and half weeks. Maybe two weeks... Tops).

As I said, I am moving cities and houses. It will be very busy.

Solangelo/Willco ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now