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Recently, Kouhai has been eating Pocky sticks... She's addicted now...


"Nico, why are you looking at me like that?" Will mumbled, while chewing on his Pocky stick.

"What's that thing you're eating?" he narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, these?" Will pointed to the picky stick that was dangling on the edge of his mouth "These are Pocky sticks. My dad all gave us some from Japan."


"They're thin biscuits covered in stuff."

"What do you mean?" Nico asked.

"Nevermind," Will chewed the last remains of the Pocky stick and reached into the packet to get some more "Want some?"

"Yeah. Sure, I guess..." Nico shakily accepted one and bit it. He was amazed at the flavour.

"Can I have some more...?" Nico asked.

"Er— I'm kinda running out... We'll have to play the Pocky Game or something..." Will uttered.

"Okay." Nico was still licking the corners of his mouth, savouring the tantalizing taste of the Pocky Stick.

Will blushed profusely.

"So how do you play?" Nico asked.

"Well..." Will placed one end of the Pocky Stick in his mouth, and the other end on Nico's "The winner is the person who gets the bigger piece of Pocky."

"Sure, I'll play. This stuff tastes delicious," Nico smiled, not having a clue of the game's infamous outcome.

"Ready...?" Will asked "I'll count down..."








*cue screaming*

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