Suspicious Act

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"Uhh, hello everyone, my name is Lilac Sanderson. You can call me Lily for short." said the girl who came for the audition. Just her presence was enough to make the room dark and feel unpleasant but that's just a delusion people have of her. "Hello Ms Sanderson, you probably know me and the others here," answered back Kat as an introduction. "I don't, would you mind introducing yourselves?" retorted Lily with a quite annoyed expression.

"How dare you! Do you not know how to behave, you unholy-" Cassandra was blabbering on how rude she was until she was interrupted by Kat. "Uh, later Cass. Now she is going to give her audition. Mark?"
"Yes, hello Lily I'm Mark. So for your audition can you act as if you are planning to kill a demon with your friends?" Mark asked as he gestured for Lily to go on the stage.
Lily took a deep breath and imagined the scene in her head while acting it out, "Guys, guys, listen up. We haven't killed Trotch yet, let's not celebrate. I have a feeling that he will go to Purple Lake for its healing waters. Maxwell and Tressa can guard the Castle with their team while I and my team of great attackers and defenders will guard the Purple Lake and keep a lookout on Trotch." As Lily finished with her act Kat and Mark were just staring at her with their jaws on the floor. Cassandra on the other hand was quite impressed but kept an indecipherable face on to hide it. 

"So? How did I do?" Lily asked for confirmation on her act. "Ok, YOU DID AMAZING! YOU GOT THE ROLE and no questions asked. You may leave and thank you for helping us out," Mark obliged in happiness. "Oh wait! Before you go I'd like to talk to you. Uh like just to know you and all, nothing else," Kat asked as he gestured to Mark and Cassandra to go out of the hall.

"Ok so tell me, DID YOU DO THEATRE WHEN YOU GREW UP? Or did you practice from movies or is it just in the blood?" Kat asked intrigued by Lily's astounding act. Lily smiled as Kat was acting so cutely eerie. "I'm an orphan. I did have a passion for drama since a very young age but I didn't quite practice it. I think it was just a family thing." Lily said sitting by the window frame, remembering her dark times. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know-" Kat was just apologising for his behaviour when Lily replied, "Why? Why does everyone have to be sorry for someone? It's not your fault anyway and I hope you stay away from my family matters please." Kat nodded understanding her thoughts.

"We'll start to practice tomorrow and come with me I'll give you a copy of the script we will be doing," Kat said as he went out of the room. A few minutes later the script was in Lily's hands. "The teal lines are mine right?" Lily asked Kat for confirmation. Kat nodded in reply and Lily started scanning the script. It was more of a horror story than a polite and cosy fairytale, the story had a weird plot and it felt as if the story didn't quite seem right. "Kat? Not to be rude or anything but the story script is a bit more haunted to be a fairytale isn't it?" Kat heard Lily's concern but gave off a rather confused aura a few moments later. "Haunted? The last time I read the plot it was about a magical unicorn becoming a princess and lived with the prince." Kat replied.

Both the kids were confused about how the script took such a turn. Kat especially couldn't understand how the plot suddenly changed, and he went into deep thoughts, 'Did the editor change the plot? But I had read the plot this very morning... Oh, wait! I think Ms Holly changed it, she did tell me that the story will be changed. Ah! Case solved.' "Lily, Ms Holly changed the plot so don't worry," Kat said assuring Lily of the change.
"That's a relief, I'll meet you tomorrow at the auditorium then, go for your practice, you might be late."
Kat smiled and waved at her before leaving the classroom. 'Hm, I guess not all students here are weird,' Lily thought and smiled whole-heartedly.

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