In Yoonie's eyes, watching the streets of the Capital never grew old. No matter the festivity, there always seemed to be an abundance of shoppers walking down the lane in search for some wares. Most of them comprised of the residents who lived in the Capital, and occasionally the sighting of upper middle-class folk travelling from the Common Circle could be noted. Workers, nobility and even the more affluent students doing window-shopping on their rest days were a ubiquitous sight here.
Led by Chaeyeon and Minju, the trio headed towards a highly-decorated store with a front of golden frames and see-through glass panes that allowed passers-by to peek inside. Before heading in, one could see that there were multiple shelves housing various colourful items - seemingly magical in nature as Chaeyeon had promised. As the girls push open the door, a welcome chime greeted their arrival.
"Welcome to Pandora's Box! See anything you like?" The shopkeeper emerged from the back of the store, throwing her cloak across her back in order to straighten her attire. She was sporting a set of impeccably clean grey overalls over a white blouse - a choice of outfit that really suited the elegant vibe that her shop was giving off. There was a pleasant odour of fresh wares permeating the air inside the store - like a nicely lit scented candle vaguely reminiscent of what the moon would smell like. Her blonde hair was unkempt in curls, but the natural untidiness only made her seem more attractive in Yoonie's eyes.
"Oh, Chaeyeon! Good to see you again. We've just got our rare stock of 'The Songbird Daggers'!" She spotted what seemed to be an old friend, dropping her businesslike demeanour altogether to greet her colloquially.
"What's that?" Yoonie couldn't help but blabber away with curiosity.
"Why, I'm glad you asked!" And without hesitation she unwrapped two similar daggers from a long length of cloth. The shop owner gestured towards the two daggers placed on the countertop, letting the trio come closer and have a good look at them. They were two chrome coloured, metallic daggers with a fine artistry to them. Of all the features, Yoonie noted that one dagger had purple vein-like patterns across the blade, while the other one had blue.
"What special traits do these have?" Chaeyeon asked, upon further inspection of the blades in question.
"Wren and Nightingale are connected on a magical level. While holding one, you are able to teleport to the location of the other dagger in an instant!" The shop owner explained, carefully holding up a solar lantern closer to the daggers for everyone in the shop to see. "Be careful: Once touched, considered sold." She warned.
"And... how much do they cost?" Chaeyeon asked with her reservations.
"For you, my friend? 800,000 roels!" Holding up her first three fingers, the shop owner announced without any uncomfortableness.
", thanks, Yena."
"Um, anyway, we are here to help Yoonie here find something that can magnify her powers." Chaeyeon explained as she introduced Yoonie, while Minju browsed around the shop on her own.
"Ah, looking for a magical enhancement weapon? Okay, Yoonie - What's your magic type?"
"We're looking for a weapon that is attuned to the <Undead> variant." Chaeyeon spoke before Yoonie could answer. Then, she realised why the squad leader had answered Yena so indirectly - Yoonie's use of Dark Magic should be kept under wraps until approved by Eunbi.
Yena held her mouth open longer than she intended to, almost like a quasi-gasp. "My goodness, then I'm afraid I won't be able to help you." She shrugged her shoulders helplessly.
"What? Why not?"
"We're out of stock for that kind of magic type. Though we hardly have any customers who delve into the Undead Magical types, I just don't have anything suited for that domain at the moment..."
Yoonie's heart sank. I guess I won't be getting any special magical items... She thought back to the last time she saw her teammate, Yuri, wielding her longbow. Magic users would never have required weapons of the physical kind - which meant that Yuri's bow was magical in nature. She looked so cool just holding it... And the spells she cast with it - they were so powerful.
Whatever - I'll just have to train even harder to perfect my Dark Magic. I don't need any magic item from some rip-off shop-
"...unless you're willing to help me on something."
Yoonie's ears pert up at her suggestion.
"You have a lead for the required materials?" Chaeyeon asked.
"Wrong. I've got a new clientele that knows where to find rare materials to augment magical items. I'm looking to get the Fang of a White Serpent for a different project, but haven't had the time to go about it. If you agree, you could probably approach her and she will help you find what I need."
"And why would she help us find this Serpent's Fang?"
"Uh... she kinda owes me a favour - so you can take it that she's just paying her dues." Yena replied, averting Chaeyeon's question even further.
"I'll do it," Yoonie agreed to the assignment before Chaeyeon could say another word. "Besides, it's my day off tomorrow - I'll be able to help you get the Fang."
"Perfect! Once you bring back the goods, I'll see to it that you have a customised magical weapon that can enhance your Undead magic type!"
Chaeyeon face-palms.
"Well, Yoonie. I hope you know what you're getting us into."
"I- You don't need to follow me on this task, ma'am Chaeyeon."
She glared at Yoonie in return.
"If anyone found out that I let you go on a hunting journey alone, I'll be skinned alive, Yoonie."
"Great! I'll let her know to that you two will meet her at her quarters by the dawn of tomorrow. Good luck!"
(A/N: so sorry for this short chapter... But I knew I had to update something as it has been a number of days since the last chapter. Hope you enjoyed~)
The Black Swan
Hayran Kurgu"...things in life, are not just black or white." Under the rule of the Jang Kingdom, Iz*Land is an independent I-I-Island state. Its warriors include highly talented magicians and sorcerers, alongside strong-willed knights and furtive rogues who ke...