Aggressive duo: Allison meets Tsukaimon || Chapter 2

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Cody, Wyoming
Cody was a small town, almost resembling an old fashion town of some sorts. The sky was bright blue, but due to the small population, barely anyone was outside, with barely any cars passing, barely any pedestrians on the sidewalk, and even the buildings, such as restaurants and shops, weren't very busy. The town wasn't completely abandoned, though...

As a young girl named Allison walked down the sidewalks

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...As a young girl named Allison walked down the sidewalks. Headphones on her head, hand in one pocket and the other holding a small handheld video game she was fixated on. She didn't look very entertained though, only having an annoyed expression as she grumbled to herself.
"Man, this level is so boring, I've played it like a million times...!" She grumbles to herself, groaning as she shuts off the game and stuffs it in her pocket. She looks up at her surroundings, walking down the paths as she looks at each small building.
"Ugh, this town is so boring...Is there anything I can even do here?" Allison hisses to herself, continuing walking. "I really don't wanna go home and see my mom though." She stops, looking up to the sky. "Man, imagine if I lived in a video game universe instead of here. Every day I could be going on awesome adventures, fighting monsters and saving the world...It would be epic." Allison smiles, thinking of different kinds of vivid adventures in her head. "Man, I just wish something interesting would happen in my life right now..." She grumbles.
Rustle! Rustle! Suddenly Allison then hears what sounded like someone digging through a trash can. She turns, looking down an alleyway to hear the sound, walking down the alley. She sees what looks like a pink blob, with half of its body shoved into the trash, digging out garbage and making a mess all around himself.
"Whoa...What the heck are you supposed to be?" Allison asks. She pokes the pink creature, as it pulls itself out of the trash...Revealing himself to be Tokomon, who looked to be aggressively eating the trash.
"Hey! What's up? You trying to fight me or something?!" Tokomon snaps at Allison, baring a surpringly huge set of sharp teeth.
"Whoa, chill out little dude..." Allison casually responds, lifting her hands up. Allison squints her eyes, looking closer to Tokomon. "You're a weird little guy...Just what in the heck are you supposed to be?" She asks.
"Tokomon! I'm a Digimon!"
"Whoa...A Digimon? Did you like, come out of a video game or something?" She asks.
"I'm from the Digital World! And I wanna fight some Digimon! Grrrr..." Tokomon growls and barks, not intimidating Allison a bit.
"Whoa, you really are from some video game world..." Allison smiles. "That's awesome." Allison shifts one foot, as it bumps into something. She looks down at the ground and sees Tokomon's Digivice laying next to her.
"Yo, what's this little gadget?" Allison asks.
"That's mine! Gimme!" Tokomon leans forward, as Allison reaches the Digivice out to him. Then, Tokomon touches it...
...And the second he touches it, the Digivice shines brightly, the stripes changing color...

And the second he touches it, the Digivice shines brightly, the stripes changing color

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