Keep you company: Hoshi meets Kudamon || Chapter 4

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A dark void of space...Surrounded by tons of glaring, soulless eyes that stared into her...Lily sat motionless in the dark void, panic rising in her as the eyes moved closer and closer...
"No...Please...Not again..." Lily whimpered, curling into a ball and covering her eyes. Even then, she could feel the piercing stares of thousands of eyes, feeling cold air rushing closer and closer to her.
"...Lily..." A voice echoed, calling her name. "Lily..."
"No...Stop it..." Lily whimpered. The voices ignored her pleas of cries for help, continuing to speak her voice. "Lily..."
"NO!! STOP IT!!"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"LILY!!" Jake yelled her name, as Lily suddenly jolted up in bed, sweating and breathing heavily.
"Wha...Where am I?" Lily asks, breathless.
"In the motel, remember? We came here last night." Jake says, looking at her with concern. "Are you ok? You're sweating like crazy. Did you have one of those nightmares again?" Jake asks. Lily wipes some sweat off her forehead, taking a deep breath.
"Yeah, I think I did..." Lily sighs.
"Oh, Tyler! Can't you see I only have eyes for you?!" A dramatic voice of a woman cuts through their conversation, Lily turning to the voice in confusion.
"Terriermon's watching some dumb soap opera in the living room." Jake says, pointing out the room, which made Lily snicker a bit.
"Come on, since were in Basin now, after we get dressed and eat Breakfast we're gonna go look for the next Digidestined." Jake says. Lily stretches, sitting up and getting off the bed.

Sometime later...
Blaine and Mrs. Evans stayed behind at the motel, but Lily, Jake, and Allison walked around outside the town, looking for hours, but seeing no sign of Digimon or Digidestined.
"Man, this is annoying...We've been walking for hours and have found nothing!" Jake groans.
"Yeah, and my feet hurt!" Terriermon whines. "I wanna find somewhere to rest!"Everyone simultaneously turns their heads towards the library, exchanging glances.
"Come on, let's take a break in the library for a bit." Lily says.
"Ok! Jake, carry me, I'm too tired to walk anymore!" Terriermon dramatically flops to the ground, Jake picking him up and carrying him like a baby, as they walk into the library. The library was empty, except for Logan who was studying at one of the computers. Lily and Jake sit down next to some bean bags, while Allison takes a seat next to Logan, who doesn't acknowledge her at all.
"Ooh, look at all the books!" Terriermon hops out of Jake's grasp, walking around and admiring the library.
"Hey, I thought you said you were too tired to walk?" Jake grumbles, rolling his eyes at Terriermon. Meanwhile, Allison tries to get Logan's attention, who continues to ignore her.
"Yo, nerd." Allison finally gets Logan's attention, who only glares at her. "You seen any Digimon around here?" This question makes Logan nervous, as he turns away from Allison.
"No. I haven't." He responds quietly and sternly.
"Yeesh. Grumpy much?" Allison rolls her eyes, slumping backwards into her chair.
"Hey, Terriermon! Watch this!" Tsukaimon flies upwards, as he suddenly dives down into an empty beanbag.
"OW!!" But on impact, everyone hears a thud and a groan. Terriermon curiously moves the beanbag, revealing that Veemon was behind it.
"My hiding spot! It's been exposed!" Veemon cries, but quickly perks up when he sees Terriermon. "Terriermon? Is that you?!"
"Yeah! And you must be Demiveemon!" Terriermon says.
"I'm Veemon now!" Terriermon and Veemon giggle, happily hugging each other.
"And that's my partner over there! His name is Logan!" Veemon points to Logan, everyone gasping quietly as Logan quickly stands up, an embarrassed expression on his face.
"Veemon..." Logan face quickly twists to annoyance. "I already told you I have no interest in fighting! You are not my partner!"
"Whoa, wait a minute..." Jake stands up, walking towards Logan. "What are you talking about? Veemon's supposed to be your friend!"
"I don't need friends that are getting me involved in monster foghting business..." Logan huffs, as he packs up his stuff in a rush, quickly walking away and out the door...
"Hey, wait!" Jake tries to call for him, but gets ignored.
"...Just like last time..." Veemon sighs. Everyone exchanges worried glances between each other.
"...This is gonna be a bit more difficult then I thought."

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