Nightmare church || Chapter 23

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Even more time has passed since the Digidestined split up, as Blaine's group...Him, Erik, Jake, and Hoshi, still made their way to their first mission in the dead of night, up a gigantic path of stone stairs that they'd been climbing for atleast a day now, which stretched over many mile-high mountains, only getting more and more exhausted with each step.
"Man...I can't believe...Lily's group is resting...At the beach right now...And Taeka's group...Is at an amusement park...And were stuck here climbing mountains!" Jake huffed, his face red with exhaustion as he sweat like crazy.
"Not to mention...They've already completed their first missions...A while ago...And we haven't even...Arrived at ours yet!" Erik adds.
"It's not like they...Had to climb up to the freaking clouds...Like we have to!" Blaine angrily huffs.
"They better have...Ice cream for us...When we get to the top!" Terriermon grumbles.
"Cough, cough, cough..." Hoshi let out a few nasty coughs, gasping for air as everyone looked back at him with concerned expressions.
"Hoshi, you've been coughing like that for a while now...You really need to rest." Kudamon says.
"I, I just...Cough, cough...I really don't wanna slow us down." Hoshi huffs.
"Hoshi, it's fine if you need to rest...Trust me, we're all fine with it." Erik says, giving an exhausted smile.
"You...Sure that's ok?" Hoshi asks.
"Dude, trust us, it's fine." Blaine says sternly. "You're not gonna make it up there anyways if you die of an asthma attack."
"Ok..." Hoshi and everyone else sat down on the stairs, catching their breath as Hoshi took a few puffs of his inhaler.
"Man, my calf muscles are gonna be ripped by the time we're done climbing!" Erik says.
"My calf muscles are already ripped." Blaine says, smirking slightly.
"Yeah, I can tell." Erik winks, smiling and chuckling a bit, before something quickly pops into his head. "Oh! I just remembered something..." Erik pauses, looking down at Labramon. "Labramon, that X-antibody shot you took earlier...Do you feel anything weird from that? Any side effects or anything?"
"No, not at all! Taeka and the others said those shots were safe, so you don't have to worry about it so much, Erik!" Labramon responds.
"I know, sorry I kept bugging you about it...Just wanna make sure you're ok is all." Erik says.
"Man, I wish I could've taken one of those shots too...I wanna change forms just like Lopmon did!" Terriermon says, pouting.
"Sorry buddy, I think Blaire has the rest of them...That's why I only had one..." Jake says. Everyone was silent for a moment, still resting...Until they started hearing some movements from behind a big rock nearby them, sounding like footsteps. Everyone carefully turned to the rock, Jake standing up...

"BOO!!" As a bigger Digimon suddenly popped out, scaring them

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"BOO!!" As a bigger Digimon suddenly popped out, scaring them.
"AAAGHHH!!" This caused Jake to go off balance, nearly tripping and falling down the stairs, but was luckily caught and stopped by Hoshi and Terriermon.
"Haha, gotcha!" The Digimon chuckled.
"Goodness, you scared the life out of me!" Erik says.
"Geez, what the heck is wrong with you?! You trying to kill us or something?!" Blaine angrily huffs.
"Nah, not unless you're Demondestined or something..." Angoramon says. "Um, you're not...Demondestined...Are you?" He asks.
"Um, no, we're Digidestined, so you can stop trying to give us heart attacks!" Blaine snaps.
"Oh, sorry about that...Hey, if you're Digidestined, does that mean you all came up here to help me out? That's so sweet of you all!" Angoramon says, smiling.
"Yeah, but these stairs have really been killing us..." Ryudamon says.
"Yeah, I bet. A bunch of Digimon have died trying to get up these stairs." Angoramon says nonchalantly.
"That...Doesn't make me feel better." Ryudamon says.
"Hey, don't worry about, you'll all be fine...You're almost at the top! Look!" Out of nowhere, Angoramon then grabs ahold of the entire group, taking a few powerful leaps up the stairs, until he quickly reaches the top, putting them down. Everyone looks around at the top, which had a nice, scenic view, alongside some fresh grass and trees...With a smaller church building nearby. The church looked very old, with a darker paint job, that unsettled the group a bit.
"Now that's creepy..." Blaine mutters. "What's in that church?"
"Who knows, but we can all deal with it together!" Erik smiles and giggles, suddenly grabbing Blaine's hand. "Come on, let's go!" As he pulls the two into the church, the door creaking loudly as they opened it. "W-wait, guys! Be careful!" Jake whimpered nervously, as he and the others followed the two boys into the church. "Whoa..." Everyone looked around the church, a smaller, dusty, room that perfectly matched the exterior. The most notable part of the room was a huge, painted mural that covered nearly the entirety of one of the walls, with multiple species of Digimon on the painting, the biggest being an angel Digimon that was right in the center. Everyone carefully walked around the room, becoming a bit unsettled by how creepy and empty it was.
"Eww, I can't stand this place..." Terriermon whimpers. "It looks like ghosts could be living here!"
"G-ghosts?! Geez, don't even make me think about it..." Jake mutters.
"Heh, sorry it's so dirty in here..." Angoramon says, smiling awkwardly. "I haven't cleaned this place since...She...Got corrupted."
"Um...Who's exactly...She supposed to be?" Hoshi asks.
"And where do we find her?" Kudamon asks. Angoramon was silent for a moment, leading the group slowly towards a podium in front of the mural.
"You'll have to speak the angel's chant if you wanna summon her." Angoramon says nonchalantly, everyone exchanging glances as Angoramon pulls out an old piece of paper from behind the podium, handing it to the group. "Hmm..." Erik skimmed over the words on the paper in his head, starting to read them out loud. "Bless us with your powers now, great angel..."
"NOT SO FAST!!" A voice suddenly yells at the group and halts their reading, everyone turning around to see that the voice came from Alec, who was standing on the other side of the room, alongside Russell and their Digimon partners. "You all trying to ruin our plans again? Pfft, not surprised, especially after what you did to the castle. "Alec scoffs, smirking. "Well, uh...Two can play that game! We're gonna get revenge by...Burning this church down as well!"
"Oh, really?" Blaine gave an unamused expression, everyone cautiously stepping towards the Demondestined. "And...How exactly are you gonna do that?"
"With...You know! Um, ugh..." Alec looked away, stuttering. "It's...A secret! And you'll never find out!"
"Um...Ok?" Terriermon gave a confused look.
"Alec, no offense but you're pretty weird..." Jake says, crossing his arms. "What are you guys even doing here anyways?"
"Oh, I know! We just so happened to walk by this place and saw you guys in the window, so we came in to say hi!" Syakomon happily blurts out.
"Syakomon, don't tell them that! Besides, that's not what we're supposed to be doing..." Alec hisses. Everyone then exchanges glances, trying to hold it in, but failing as they start laughing a bit.
"Hey, what's so funny?!" Alec snaps. "W-what the heck are you all doing here anyways? Heh...You two boys getting married or something?! I see you two holding hands! BAHAHA!!" Alec suddenly bursts into into exaggerated laughter, Blaine and Erik looking down as they realized they were still holding hands. "What?! We're not..." Erik stutters nervously, the two's eyes widening with embarrassment as they let go. "He's my best friend! Besides, I already have a girlfriend..." Erik says.
"Wait, really? Oh, well..." Alec suddenly stops laughing, looking around the room as he tried to think. "Then...Take this! Hyah!" Alec then picks up a small, sharp pebble on the ground, chucking it at Erik. "Ow!!" Erik grumbles, as a small cut forms on his cheek, a bit of blood trickling out of it. "Erik, you alright?!" Blaine asks, before suddenly glaring fiercely at Alec. "Dude, what the heck is wrong with you?!"
"Alec, what are you doing...?" Russell asks quietly, so only Alec could hear.
"Relax dude, I got this." Alec says, smirking. "Besides, what I just did is nothing compared to what you've Digidestined have done to us! Destroying our castle, and...Jake, remember when Lily tried to choke me to death?!"
"What...? Jake, what's he talking about?" Erik asks, giving Jake a concerned look.
"Uh, well...That doesn't matter now!" Jake glares at Alec. "Alec, your brother tried to kill Lily, so don't act like you Demondestined are saints!"
"Pfft, I never said I was a saint..." Alec smirks. "Especially my brother...And we're still gonna get our revenge, by knocking this church down!"
"Not if we have anything to say about it." Ryudamon hisses.
"Oh no, we're so scared..." Phascomon says sarcastically. "We're stronger then we look, Digidestined."
"So are we." Terriermon hisses.
"Ooh, yay!" Syakomon hops up and down happily. "Another battle! Let's do this!"

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