Hoshi's adventure || Chapter 24

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It had been atleast a couple days now since Hoshi and Kudamon split from their group, now traveling on their own, as Hoshi searched for his tag and crest, to finally unlock his ultimate Digivolution. So far yet though, the search hasn't been very successful, but they're still trying their best to look, the two now climbing a high-up mountain in the middle of nowhere, bright and early in the morning. Despite Hoshi's asthma getting worse and worse now the more he walked, he still refused to stop, as he wheezed and coughed pretty heavily.
"Hoshi, please...You should really just let me Digivolve so I can carry you." Kudamon pleads. "I can't stand to see you like this."
"No Kudamon...It's fine, I...Cough, cough...I don't want you...to waste your energy..." Hoshi says weakly, Kudamon sighing as they suddenly stopped walking.
"Alright, but...I'm not walking anymore until you stop and rest as well." Kudamon responds. Hoshi pauses, turning back to Kudamon before finally sitting down on the ground next to him, taking a few puffs of his inhaler, taking a bit before his wheezing finally stopped.
"Hoshi...Why do you keep pushing yourself like this?" Kudamon asks.
"I'm sorry for worrying you so much Kudamon, I..." Hoshi sighed. "I honestly just wanted to do something on my own for once...Even before I became a Digidestined, I always felt like I got in the way of everything, with my health problems...Always felt like a burden to people...I guess I just wanna prove to people that I'm more then that. That I can accomplish things on my own."
"Hoshi, come on, you're not a burden to anyone, and I don't ever want you to think that low of yourself." Kudamon states. "We all exist for a reason, and I know the farther we travel out here on our own...The more you'll find out about yourself...You just really gotta rest a bit more along the way." They state, Hoshi smiling a bit.
"Pfft, you sound like my mom right now." Hoshi says, chuckling a bit. "But thanks...I really appreciate it."
Rustle, rustle... Suddenly then, the two hear a rustling noise from a nearby bush, suddenly jumping up in shock as they turn to face the bush.
"Thats like...The 3rd time this happened today." Hoshi whispers. "Is someone following us?!"
"Hey!! If you're following us, you better come out and show yourself now!!" Kudamon shouts, the bush parting as a smaller Digimon crawls out...

 "Is someone following us?!""Hey!! If you're following us, you better come out and show yourself now!!" Kudamon shouts, the bush parting as a smaller Digimon crawls out

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"Whoa...What kind of Digimon are you supposed to be?" Hoshi asks, kneeling down to his level.
"It's Bitzimon, and um, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you two by following you!" Bitzimon whimpers. "I just, if you don't mind me asking...Are you a human?"
"Uh, yeah...My names Hoshi, and I'm a Digidestined. Kudamon's here's my partner." He says, Bitzimon nodding as he looks at the two in awe.
"Whoa, you really are a Digidestined...That's amazing!" Bitzimon smiles. "Um, to tell the truth...I'm actually a Digidestined too! Or...Atleast, I think I am? I got attacked a while ago by the Demondestined's goons, and I reverted back to a Digi-egg...I finally hatched again, but now I have a problem...I forgot who my partner is! I know it's been a while since I've seen them, and my memories are now super fuzzy, due to my data being reset...I just got really excited seeing another human out here, and thought you might know who my partner is!" Bitzimon happily stated, Kudamon and Hoshi gasping quietly as they exchanged glances.
"Whoa...That's so cool. By any chance do you know your partner's name?" Hoshi asks.
"No, ugh, I don't remember anything...I don't remember her, his, or their name...Ugh, I can't even remember their pronouns! Ugh, I feel like such a failure of a partner..." Bitzimon whimpers, sadly looking down at the ground.
"Hey, it's alright Bitzimon, it's not your fault if you can't remember anything..." Kudamon comforts. "How long has it been since you've been seen your partner?"
"A long time...Years, in fact. My partner and I lost our Digivolution powers years ago, so I doubt they're in the Digital World right now, but...I still miss them! I just wish I could remember their name is all..." Bitzimon whimpers, Hoshi and Kudamon exchanging glances, before nodding at each other.
"Hey, Bitzimon...We're also out here searching for something too..." Hoshi says. "Maybe...You wanna travel with us for a bit? Maybe we can try and help each other out...Find what we're looking for together." Bitzimon looks up at Hoshi, a smile appearing on his face as he hopped up and down excitedly.
"Ooh, yay! That'd be amazing! Thanks, you two! But, uh..." Bitzimon pauses, looking down at the lower half of his body that resembled a slug. "I'm not exactly...The fastest. Ugh, I wish I had wings or something!"
"Hey, don't worry about that..." Hoshi unzips the top half of his backpack, lifting up Bitzimon and putting him in the bag, where he fit pretty snugly.
"Ooh, yay! Now it's like I'm in a ride, hee hee!" Bitzimon giggles happily, pointing in a random direction. "Now onward, new friends! To better heights!" Everyone laughed and smiled, as they started walking...
Rustle, rustle... But suddenly heard more rustling in the bushes, all exchanging confused looks. "Um, about that...You know how I've been following you guys around?" Bitzimon says. "Um, I've had someone following me around too...A funny coincidence, isn't it?"

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