Nightmare hospital || Chapter 15

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It was early the next morning, everyone now out of the forest as they walked down a dirt path in an open, empty field, knowing they were getting close to the hospital when they passed by a sign, that read: Forrest Hospital this way. Pointing forward.
Jake held a couple jars up, that Toropiamon gave them, one with sap, and another with spores.
"So, those should be able to help us if we run into more infected Digimon, right?" Lily asks.
"Yeah, we just gotta be careful and not use up all of it right away!" Terriermon says. Dorumon looked over at Blaire, who still looked a bit upset.
"Blaire, how are you doing?" Dorumon asks.
"...I still miss Fangmon." She mumbles.
"I know..." Dorumon responds, nodding.
"Isn't there a way we can bring him back?" Blaire asks.
"Yeah, actually..." Blaine responds. "All Digimon who die are always reborn at the Primary Village."
"Can we go back to the Primary Village and find him?" Blaire asks.
"Sorry Blaire, but we can't right now." Blaine responds. "That would take too long right now, and besides..." His voice trails off, looking at Lily and Lopmon, who was still unconscious in Lily's arms.
"If we don't help out Lopmon now, Fangmon's sacrifice will be for nothing." Dorumon says, Blaire nodding.
"You guys really think Lopmon will be ok?" Lily asks, looking back at Blaine.
"She should be fine, as long as we get help for her as soon as we can." Blaine responds. "After all, if she really was dead, she would've poofed to dust by now."
"Yeah...You're right." Lily sighs, gently placing Lopmon into her backpack.
"Woah...Look over there!" Veemon gasps, pointing in the distance, where they can finally see the hospital, which was pretty big. Everyone runs over to it, finally stopping cautiously when they reach the front door, hesitating to go inside.
"We gotta be...Careful when we go in." Blaire says. "The Doctimon inside are...Infected, the same way the Woodmon were."
"Well...Let's just find them then." Allison says, causually walking in as everyone gasps, following her in.
"Allison! You still gotta be careful!" Logan whispers. Everyone goes silent, looking around the dark hospital hallway...

Which was completely empty and silent, giving a very eerie feeling

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...Which was completely empty and silent, giving a very eerie feeling. Everyone silently crept down the hallway, struggling to see with how dark it was, besides a few dim, flickering lights, which didn't help with the eerieness.
'Where's the Doctimon?' Lily thinks to herself. 'This place feels almost...Too empty...'
'Stay on your guard, everyone...' Jake whispers. Everyone keeps creeping down the hallway...Close to reaching the end, where they could see two other hallways connected. They get closer...Until Logan stops, hearing a squishing noise underneath his foot, stepping on something wet. Logan pulls out his Digivice, using the glow from it to see what he stepped on...Seeing that it was a bright red pool of blood, that stuck to his pants and shoe.
"Is that...B-b-blood?" Logan stutters, whimpering in fear.
"GRRRRRROOOOoooooooo..." Everyone then hears a soft groaning down one of the hallways, exchanging glances as they carefully walked, turning around the corner...

" Everyone then hears a soft groaning down one of the hallways, exchanging glances as they carefully walked, turning around the corner

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