Operation: Spy and rescue || Chapter 19

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"No...Please...Get...Away..." It was morning, everyone still at the library. Everyone was awake except for Lily, who rolled around roughly in her sleep, Lopmon looking at her worriedly as she nudged Lily, trying to wake her.
"Lily, please..." Lopmon pleads. "WAKE UP!!" She yells loud enough for Lily to finally bolt her eyes open, rubbing them as she groaned, sitting up out of bed.
"Lily, what happened? Are you alright?" Lopmon asks.
"Yeah, I just..." Lily yawned, rubbing her forehead. "I had another one of those nightmares again."
"Another nightmare? When did this start happening?" Lopmon questions.
"Since we had our last adventure..." Lily says. "I've been having them pretty frequently...And each one is always the same as the last...I always see some weird shadow monster trying to attack me or something..."
"Whoa, sounds pretty scary..." Lopmon responds. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine..." Lily stretches, standing up out of bed. "I'm pretty used to them by now."
"Ok, well...Let's go downstairs. Everyone's in the library making a rescue plan..." Lopmon motions for Lily to follow, as they leave the bedrooms and head downstairs, sitting down at a big table with everyone else.
"Hey sleepyhead, nice to see you're finally awake! Good morning!" Terriermon happily waves to Lily, who looks around the big library area, seeing that there was other random Digimon around, browsing and such.
"Whoa...Where'd all these other Digimon come from?" Lily asks.
"Just a few hours ago..." Lopmon responds. "They all came back here after they found out the Yanmamon were now gone."
"Hey Lily, look!" Jake smiles, pointing to Logan on the other side of the table, who looked like he was focusing pretty hard, as he furiously wrote on various papers. "Logan's been writing up a plan for us all morning!" Jake says.
"Yup! And..." Logan continues writing a bit more, smirking as he adjusts his glasses...Then confidently raising the paper up in the air. "...I'm now done! I've got the perfect plan to break into the castle and get our friends back!!" Logan shifts the papers around a bit, as he starts reading them out loud. "Alright, the plan is called...Operation: Spy and rescue! First part of the plan will be...The spy mission. First, we'll hike out to the castle, and split into multiple groups...Each group will scout out different sides of the castle, and look for any possible ways to get inside. And knowing the Demondestined, they'll probably have guards on watch, so we'll take note of what kind of guards they use, and find out how to deal with them. We'll all collect any notes and information that we can...Then, we'll meet up back here, use our notes to devise the perefect break-in plan. Then, next up...The rescue mission! Um..." Logan pauses, awkwardly clearing his throat as he looks at the next piece of paper. "This is kind've awkward, but..." Logan states. "This page is blank."
"WHAT?! THAT'S IT?!" Terriermon hops up on the table, staring at Logan with disbelief. "You spent all morning writing just for that?!"
"S-sorry..." Logan whimpers. "It's hard working under all this pressure!"
"Hey, it's a perfect plan! Leave Logan alone!!" Veemon snaps.
"I thinks it's fine..." Blaine says. "It's a good and simple enough plan at least." Everyone exchanges glances, eventually all nodding in approval.
"Ooh, another thing we should do..." Blaire chimes in. "We should look for any Digimon allies to help us! Maybe someone here in the library...?"
"Oh, speaking of allies..." Jake says. "Hey Lily, look who else is here!" Jake points a far distance away, at a familiar face...Maildramon, who was looking at some books.
"Whoa, even Maildramon's here too?!" Lily says, surprised.
"Yeah! He arrived here this morning..." Jake states. "He said something about wanting to find ultimate knowledge on the Digital World, so he could further find his place in the universe...Or uh, something like that...But guess what! He said that when we get the partners back, he'll bring Erik, Cora and Axel here to the Digital World, so they can help us as well!"
"Whoa, seriously?! That's awesome..." Lily smiles. "It'll be nice seeing those three again..." She pauses, looking at everyone. "I can also ask the Pipismon for help too..."
"Yay! Let's go and do our spy mission then!" Blaire says excitedly.

Sometime later...
The group spent a decent amount of time on the road, walking towards the castle, which was a bit closer then they thought it was. Now, everyone was walking between some mountains, getting closer.
"Hey, I think we're almost there...Look!" Veemon pointed to what looked like the very top of the castle, which was barely sticking out between the mountains.
THUMP!! THUMP!! Everyone suddenly then hears what sounded like loud footsteps on the other side of the mountain, rumbling the ground a bit.
"Aw geez...What the heck was that?" Terriermon whimpers. THUMP!! THUMP!!

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