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Previously on my shifting journey to star wars: Master obi-wan assigned me to join commander cody on his mission to save the younglings that were kidnapped by the sith...

"MASTER kenobi there is no sign of the jedi that was assigned to back us up" cody almost yelled through the speaker at the same time blasting the Droid ahead of him.

"Cody she will be there-" kenobi replied.

"She?" Cody said "I thought its master Anikan-"

"Anikan is on the other ship now hold on there she is probably there"

*On the other side of the ship* the enter center was full of droids...I fought each one easily, cutting them into pieces. But one of the droids blasted the speak on my left hand "shit now how the fuck I'm I supposed to find this cody guy?" I cursed standing at the entrance of the ship. "Come on Rd let's find the commander" I told him and he followed. There were three ways and we went on the far left entrance.

The hallway was empty until further far were sound of blasters echoing throw and we ran as fast as we can. A huge steel door stopped us but I could hear the sound of blasters from behind it. "R2 QUICK OPEN THE GATE" with that R2 worked the door key and within seconds he opend the door. Infront of us was a commander in his uniform blasting the droids, I wasted no time and used the force to crash the droids into the wall behind them, causing commander and the other clone to turn behind them.

"Thank you ma'am" cody said lowering his blaster.

"Commander" I replied "oh it's just moon, no titles with Me" I turned to R2 "locate the younglings R2, we have to abound this ship as quickly as possible"

"Why?" Cody asked. I turned to him "there are blasters underneath the ship master kenobi have them under control for now but not for long we gotta hurry"

"What-" before cody could talk further R2 located the younglings and we made our way to the department. "Cody come in cody" master kenobi called through the speaker " is moon there yet? I cannot contact her"

"MASTER I'm here, sorry my speaker got blown up in the way, we found the younglings location we will be out in Minutes" I said as cody moved his speaker close to me.

"Amazing, the ship is waiting for you ready when you are" Anikan spoke from other line. "Moon I hope you haven't lost your lightsaber this time?"

I laughed as we reached the younglings location "No, master i got it under control"

R2 opend the door and we escorted the seven younglings out of that room and left, aloud Blast followed and the ship moved "hurry go go go!" I yelled cody helped the younglings out of the hallway and told them to run and I grabbed the youngest one and ran. There in no fun in running with a freaking your hand and ship is tearing itself apart.

Cody helped the kids put of the ship and to Anikans ship and before I could followed the ship started to go backwards and a Droid piece hit cody knocing him backwards and casing me to fall and slid "R2 hold the youngling" I placed the kid on R2 and he flew him to the ship while I went to grab cody and help him stand.

"Ma'am go I can't-"

"Shut up I promised master kenobi" I helped him stand with his hand around my shoulder "to bring you back in one piece" he laughed a bit and I was almost at the entrance. Anikan helped me to help cody to his ship, and he did. One more time the ship was moved and I almost tripped backwards when Anikan grabbed my hand and yanked me into his ship.

I laughed "good catch master". He laughed and we all entered the ship closing the door.

"I see R2 is one piece" Anikan joked.

"Thanks to your training" I replied and Anikan ruffled my almost messy hair. After informing master kenobi that we exited the ship I made my way to the back of the ship to check up on cody and the other clone.

"Everything alright Boy?" I asked entering the room and they alll nodded and replied with yes. Cody removed his helmet, and revealed his cut around his lips but it wasn't that deep. He saluted me and I forwarded my hand "It is pleasure to team up with you commander cody" he shook my hand "pleasure all my ma'am".

"Just moon"

"Moon" he smiled.

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