Very Bad 3

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'General Moon?' Rex Entered the base office. It was early in the morning; earlier than Sunrise.

'Commander Rex' I replied fixing the papers on the table. 'Isn't it too early to be here?' He asked taking off his helmet. 'Not for me Rex. What is it?'

He sighed placing his helmet on the table 'its master Skywalker, he's changed the plan we are putting in an army'

'Army? This isn't a civil war why we need an Army?'

He shook his head 'Didn't allow me to say much'

I forwarded 'Rex. I am the one in charge why won't he tell me? I need to speak to him'.

I waited by his office until he showed up with R2D2 before I could even talk he handed me the mission monitor device 'You are rather early. Get Cody, And meet me by the jedi ship now go and grab your lightsaber. Its a mission'

'Now?' I asked 'do we have a plan?'

He turned around 'make one, like you always do'

I nod and went to find cody.

I tried to not jump in happiness at the sight of THE JEDI SHIP. OF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW. Anikan was the lead of the mission.

That means one thing...the mission is not easy one.

'This is not an fast mission but I believe in my team and I am sure you will make it clean and fast. Follow the orders as they were mentioned and be focused we going against the Empire'

'A what?' Luke asked before me. Wait when? Since when?

'Sufficiently powerful Empire of millions of army' Anikan replied. And when I tell you I was having second thought on walking back I am serious!

'Uh may I ask who is on the deck. You know gets to lead the ship, Master?' I asked causing Anikan, Rex and Luke to look at me. 'What?'

'Well' Anikan cleared his voice 'the general of course' he handed me the SPECIAL KEYS. And walked into the ship. 'Sweet lord'

The ship is a galaxy dream come true. I immediately took my seat on the pilot running my hand around the devices 'Read General?' Anikan asked.

I nodded taking the speaker 'Ready Luke?'

'Ready when you are' He replied from his position 'Rex? Ready?'

'This is where the fun begins' I said happily starting the ship to fly and I could feel Anikan smiling at the infamous phrase of his.

'We will divide into three groups are planned after we jump into hyperspace. Rex, you with Moon. Luke with cody and I will take the base with R2d2'

'Noted that' Both Luke and Rex replied.

'In coming to hyperspace in' I switched to Hyperspace and the view ahead of us was already a war zone. 'The ship is on autopilot Master'

'Good, Moon go now and may the force be with you' anikna replied
'May the force be with you master' I replied jumping off my seat and following Rex to the Exit 'Redy commander?' I light my saber. The clones with their blasters and we made our way into the empire ship.

It was much bigger than the jedi ship 'General watch out' Rex started to blast the empire soldier that went down easily 'Thansk commander' I said as we kept walking. We stopped at the metal glass.

'Moon where are you?' Luke spoke in the speaker around my wrist. 'I am in the ship luke, there is a gate and no other way'

'I am in the south of the ship. Master we need R2D2 to unlock row Seven and eleven'

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