meeting kenobi 1

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The whole trip I couldn't stop feeling nervous and felt like I will burst into tears any minute. My feets won't stop stumping on the hard floor of the ship.

'Are you okay?' Anikan asked approach my seat and I shook my head.

'I am very nervous and I feel like I will say something so stupid that he will question his approval and time to meet me with his busy schedule that he might never want to see me again'

Anikan shook his head and chuckled 'he had to deal with me as his padawan for too long, you won't scare him away like that. Master kenobi is a very wise and gentle. You shouldn't be nervous at all'

I sighed 'I am excited and nervous.' Anikan smiled 'Don't be nervous, you will be fine!'

True to his words we arrived to this calming place that was a little different than the jedi temple and much smaller but the area was comforting. We walked to this open area and in far distance I saw him talking to few people. It was master kenobi.

I took a deep breath and followed Anikan getting more excited by the minute so excited that I didn't see the small stairs and almost triped to fall on my face but Anikan grabbed my hand 'easy there' he chuckled 'Don't hurt yourself'

'Anikan?' Master kenobi asked approaching us. He hugged Anikan first while I just stood there amazed by his presence. Master kenobi smiled at me 'and you must be the famous Moon. I heard alot about you although it felt like what I usually hear about Anikan'

'Come on Mater, she is much wiser and less rebel than I was' Anikan joined. Kenobi laughed 'says the rebel himself, what an honour to finally meet you, Anikan tells me A lot about you. Come let's have a talk shall we?'

'Ah, sorry master but I am afraid that I will have to go, there are some business left for me to attend. I'm sure Moon will be find here?' Anikan said and I wanted to pinch him for leaving me alone but he was right he had other works than to babysitting me.

Kenobi nodded 'I am sure she will be fine here, we have alot to talk about and all her missions. Right Moon?'

I smiled and nodded.

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