PASTOR MICHAEL FUDGE- Minister of a large Southern Baptist church
ELISE FUDGE- Pastor Fudge's deceased wife, Isaac's mother
ISAAC FUDGE- His teenage son
VIRGINIA HICKORY- Fourth grade sunday school teacher
BRUCE HICKORY- Her husband, Church Treasurer
SHARON KETTERING- Head of the Children's Church
MARK KETTERING- Her husband, former head deacon
JONATHAN SUTTON- Sharon's teenage son from a previous marriage
JANNA WHAT'S-HER-NAME- In the youth group; originally from New York
AILEEN WARNER- In the youth group; dating Isaac
PASTOR STEVE- Associate pastor/youth minister
The entire cast, excluding Elise and Pastor Fudge, acts as the CHORUS.
Time: Recent years
Place: In and around a southern baptist church in a small town somewhere in the Bible Belt.