Chapter Twenty Three

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a/n hi!!! these chapters are going to be time jumping! so pay attention (;

"...Promise?" Zayn asked again. He's been telling me about this girl he's with and that he has some news. It's been a couple weeks since the whole almost brawl in the club. I forgave him and we moved on, like we always do. Although now he thinks he has to call me with every detail of his life. I guess almost tainting our friendship made him want to share more.

"Yes, Zayn." I groan in frustration as I grab my suitcase from the baggage claim carousel, not that I'm uncoordinated, it's just really packed in this Canadian airport. Trying not to bump into anyone proves harder than you'd think.

"Where are you?" He tries to stall.

"I told you. Toronto."

"Ohh. Should I call you later?"

"Stop with the questions and just tell me your news!" I shout. Bystanders turn and stare me down. I roll my eyes under my sunglasses, turning to find the terminal that will take me out of here.

Zayn is quiet for awhile. He inhales then exhales, deeply. "She's pregnant."

I stop walking, right in tbe middle of the airport. Of all things he could of announced as his news, this was the least expected. I awkwardly gape, struggling to find the words I need. Imagine Zayn, a party guy who most call Z Man, a daddy?

"Laur? You there?"

"Ye...yea," I begin. "When did---" And before I can finish, I'm being attacked from behind. Arms wrap around me and sway us from side to side. The familiar laughter and squeal from behind makes me heart flutter and stomach do flips. Turning, there, huddled into me, is all 5'2 of my cuban mexican girlfriend. "Can I call you back?"

"Yea sure. But don't anyone just yet please."

I agree then slip my phone into my pocket, letting go of my suitcase, reaching for Superstar. We embrace, tightly, only pulling away when a throat clearing from behind, draws our attention.

"Okay remember the talk we had about PDA." Dinah stands with her hand on her hip, a smug smile laced on her face and designer shades, shielding her eyes.

Camila and I share a giddy grin. My cheeks heat up and so do hers before she turns away, directing me back to the waiting car. I peek around us and people seem to be aloof to a celebrity's presence. Which is a good thing. She has on a jacket with the hood up, sunglasses like us and some old sneakers that are probably her moms. She fits in well. We planned this for a week so our disguises were thought of beforehand. Maybe my sunglasses gave me away and that's how she found me in the sea of travelers.

"How was the flight?" Camila asked, skipping besides me.

"It was fine. No crying babies or anything."

"Good. I missed you." She whispers, coming closer to my side.

I lean in closer. We now walk shoulder to shoulder. "I missed you too."

"Yall better quit it. I'm not going through another twitter uproar." Dinah teases, squeezing in between us. "Keep walking, ladies." She throws her arms around us, laughing.

I haven't seen Camila since she left for the airport that morning she came to me after the twitter drama. We talk when she has down time and even face time while she's in the chair getting her hair and make up done. It's been a long three weeks and since I have two days off and so does she, we decided to meet up here in Toronto. She has a show here in a couple days. A show that remains whole and at peace because I never told her that Reagan was the one who leaked my tumblr. I know she wouldn't want more drama right now so it can wait. This tour is in its last leg anyway.

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