Chapter Thirty One

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*trigger warning for a panic attack type scene*

Camila's POV

I sat quietly for a moment. Words usually always came easy to me. Especially these ones. The ones I've been mentally going over and over again and again. I've written letters, poems and songs all trying to express the way I feel about this girl sitting across from me. And now that I have a chance, now that she had actually asked, words fail me.

My mind is complete mush. All I can think of is the first time I seen her. That much is crystal clear. It's where I should start.

"I saw you before you knew me... Knew Karla."

I paused to assess her reaction. She only nodded for me to continue. Her green eyes looked anywhere but at me. Right now they were locked on her phone as she nervously twirled it about.

"I guess you and Zayn were just coming from somewhere for lunch. My ubber driver was complaining that the car was acting weird so I suggested he have it looked at. And since I wasn't doing anything in particular, I gave him the garages address and called up Zayn. He agreed to look at it."

A small smile played at her lips as I talked. With a raised eyebrow I questioned her look.

"No. No nothing." Lauren smirked. "It's just funny that of all things a broken down car led you to me."

"You are the car lady." I half smiled, hoping my joke would ease some tension.

It however did not. She sunk lower in the patio chair, smirk gone and eyes narrowed, waiting for me to continue.


"Stop apologizing and keep explaining." she said with fire.

I blinked away the sting my eyes felt. Her words felt like bricks pelting my body. I knew this would be hard but not like this. Hearing the hate and disgust in her voice was to much.

A second later I couldn't contain it anymore. The first of many tears fell. I didn't want to look up. Lauren's reaction would only add to it.

Then I heard a sniffle from across the way and my eyes shot up. Lauren sat there, silently crying too. Her eyes were glossed over, spewing out tears. The make up she had had on earlier was washed off now, a shower presuming hence the damp hair. Her raw appearance only hit me harder. I tried not to watch as she chewed on her lip as she tried to fight it all back too.

We both held on to whatever this emotion was for awhile. She'd reach up and wipe at her eyes every now and then. I used the blanket Ally let me use to wipe at my own. We were a mess. Both too scared to move or say anything.

Then what felt like an eternity later, finally she did.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I replied, with hoarseness. "I understand."

"It's just... It's..." she struggled to find whatever it was she wanted to say. Her jaw clenched and unclenched.

"I know and I'm sorry. I truly am. I never meant for it to go so far. I love you and I never wanted to hurt you."

With that final sentence, Lauren was sent into another round of misty eyes. Her nose was red from rubbing at it and her eyes were puffing up. Even than she looked amazing. I've always loved the rawness of her. The authenticity of her entire being.

Something in me had me up and on my feet. I shuffled across the patio floor and sunk into the chair next to hers. With a loud scrape, I moved closer and put my arm and the blanket around her. She didn't protest or even move away. She only relaxed into my hold. Letting the last of her tears fall.

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