Chapter Twenty Nine

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Months Later...

"Ok so tell me again. How is she related to Zayn?" Celine twisted her head sideways in pure confusion.

"She is his cousin." I replied, tapping my pen on the desk.

The professor is always late for this class. Giving everyone an opportunity to talk, catch up on homework or sleep, apparently. Like the guy to my left who is stretched out across two chairs, snoring. And it's giving Celine a chance to annoyingly hound me about Camila. Again.

"Maybe if I draw out a family tree..." she said as she snatched my pen from me. "It'll make more sense."

"It's not that complicated. They're related through marriage. Or something like that." I replied a bit sour. I've already went over this with her and yet here we are again. She backed down and handed me back the pen. I take it then scribbled at the desk.

I had to find out all that from Ally who is still in contact with her. I still talk to Normani and Dinah though. Mani more so. She has an award show coming up that she's nominated for. I'm so excited for her. I knew she had this huge future of success ahead of her.

"Anyway, I'm excited for Perrie's baby shower this weekend." She said softly. I'm pulled from my thoughts as I feel her shift closer to me in her chair. Her leg just centimeters from my own.

I nodded without looking up. "Me too."

"Hey, I didn't mean to---"

"It's fine. I just don't want to talk about her." I admitted. Not even to Ally or my mom. I shouldn't feel so bitter and angry anymore. Since it's been months already. I've always wondered what she's up to but I can't find it in me to ask anyone.

"Sorry." Celine mumbled, shifting slowly away.

"So, what did you get the baby?" I quickly changed the subject. Turning my drawing of a heart into a tornado of swirls.

"Some cute onesies! I know the nursery theme is Dr. Suess, so I got these adorable little stuffed animals of characters..."

Celine goes on and on about the things she got for Perrie and the baby. Since being back in school and in my old routine I've learned that the two have been becoming close. Zayn introduced them in the bar awhile back and they've been hanging out and texting. Speaking of the Z man...

"Have you heard from Zayn?" I turned and asked once she stopped talking about her purchases. My relationship with Zayn has been very minimal since I last saw him in New York. He asks how I'm doing now and then and in return I ask how him, Perrie and the baby are. He also had Perrie invite me to her baby shower last week.

"Perrie said him and the guys are having a barbecue at their place. You know, since guys don't go to baby showers."

"Oh. That's cool. But weird." I replied.

"Yeah. Like you." She bowed her head to hide her smirk.

"Excuse me?" I dropped my voice to a more serious tone.

Celine quickly threw her hands up in defense. "I was kidding."

"Me too." I laughed.

She lowered her hands, laughing too. "You're so intimidating..." Celine continued to snicker as the professor walked in. "And cute." She added in a whisper.

Before I can react, the short bald professor cleared his throat. "Good morning class." The sleeping dude beside me, jerked awake, wipping at his mouth.

As the professor goes on and on about something that makes no sense to me, I scribbled notes of nonsense. Perfectly reflecting the chaos in my head I guess. Meanwhile my phone had been vibrating in my bag next to me. It's mostly likely my mom reminding me to get something to eat since her and Jerry will be out all night. But I was wrong.

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