Chapter Three

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I arrive at work with a nervous swirl in my stomach. Zayn has always been just for himself. He doesn’t like rules or authority. Maybe If I just tell him about Geoff's deal with me he'll come to work on time and stop calling off. Who am I kidding. I'm talking about the guy who got us kicked out of the baseball stadium for mooning the camera. His untanned ass was on full display over the jumbo screen for all to see. Security showed up and gave us the boot. His friends thought it was riot. They whooped and cheered the whole walk out the stadium. I bowed my head. The one time I agree to join him and his gang of hooligans and that happens. I have yet to hang out with him outside of work. Never again. Well aside from lunch while at work.

"Hey, Zayn. Can we talk?” I find him leaning over the water cooler in the front of the shop. No doubt on a hang over. He nods and follows me out back to the wooden lunch table we have. He sits across from me.

"What’s up?" he asked, then taking a sip of his water. His eye’s squinting as the sun begins it’s journey to descend.

"I’ve come up with my favor. For covering you." I raise my brows.

"Uh-huh." he waits for me to continue.

I look around and see no one is near. “Well, don’t freak but Geoff wanted to can you.”

"What?" he wakes up immensely, banging a fist on the table.

"Calm down." I look around again. "He said as long as you come to work on time and do your job. You’re fine."

"I don’t get it." he cocks his head to the side. "There’s a catch right?"

I nod.

"Well?" he urges me.

"If you do. I’ll go with you to one of your parties. " I lie. He’d hate it if I was getting something out of this. His face scrunches up as he tries to rack his numb brain around my words. "Basically," I help him out. "I convinced Geoff to give you a second chance. Now you do me this favor by acting like you want to keep your job. And if you do. I’ll go out to a bar or club or whatever with you.”

He still looks at me like I’m insane. “Deal.” his hand shoots across the table. I take it and we shake. “And thanks for saving my ass, Lauren.” he smiles that sweet smile you’ll see once every great moon. I return it. This is actually going to be easy. No more queasy stomach for me. We rise and head back into the shop. He disappears over to his bay while I go to mines. A sense of pride settles in me. I may even tell him about Karla. That is if he follows through. 


After a long night of tuning up Mr. Bingley’s old Lincoln, I head home. All day I had the urge to check for a reply from Karla. I wonder where she travels to. I’ve left Miami once. To see my aunt in Texas once was I was very little. Maybe I can go to New York one day. Convince my to go see the art museums. She’d love it.

A nice warm shower later, I fire up my laptop then sit beside Dash on my bed. I take a sip of my koolaid then type in the web address. My heart races in anticipation. Sure enough there’s a little number 1 above the inbox icon. I click it at hyper speed. 

waakeme-up said: ahhh! you’ll have to show me a pic of little Dash! & sorry but you do seem older than 19, my dear. oh and I been lots of places. you name it I’ve been there. It’s tiring. I want to settle down. can you see that. an 18yo settling down already! hahaha I’ll actually be in Paris next week! which I do adore. maybe I’ll settle here :)

I reread the message over and over. She talks to me like we’ve been pals forever. Maybe socializing comes easy for her. Since she’s so well traveled. I click the reply button.

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