Chapter Sixteen

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To: Superstar
You sure?

From: Superstar
it's fine, Lauren.

To: Superstar
Are you absolutely positive? I can tell her to put a sock in it!

I hit send and look over at Camila from across the bed. She momentarily takes her attention from Ally to her phone then looks over at me with a quick glare. I roll my eyes and toss my phone on a pillow. Laying back, I continue to watch the interview that's taking place in front of me. They sit across from each other as I lay out by my pillows.

Ally has been asking Camila question after question. All things relating to her fame. Like her music, movies and anything in between. I texted her asking if I shut up the interviewer but she told me it was fine over and over.  So be it. I'll let her get grilled.

"...And the first time performing?" Ally asked Camila. "Was it the same?"

"Yep. Just like every time, you feel nervous and have a huge amount of adrenaline pumping through you." Superstar happily replies.

Ally continues her questioning. "How old were you?"

"My first professional performance, I was 14. It was this Disney thing. I had one song from the show I was on and two covers. I was a nervous wreck." She shyly admits.

"Aww, " Ally coos. "I bet you did good!"

I laugh softy and both girls turn toward me. "Sorry." I mutter, reaching for my phone again. What I wanted to say was 'of course she did good, she wouldn't be sitting here telling you about her career if she hadn't.

"How old were you when you first performed on a stage?"

"I was 8. It was at the Texas State Fair...."

The girls keep on chatting. I zone them out and play with my phone. Looking through apps I see the familiar 't' in white and blue.  I click it an tumblr pops up on the screen. I had completely forgot about tumblr until now. After a few seconds of scrolling a familiar name comes up. waakeme-up

I quickly sit up and practically shout. "Her tumblr!"

Four big brown eyes stare back at me in surprise.

"Whose tumblr?" Ally asked, her brows slowly knitting together.

"Karla's!" I scoot forward, trying to show them my phone.

Both girls still look at me like I'm some kind of two headed freak. I ignore the glares and motion for them to come forward. They lean in. "Look," I point to the tumblr page. "Since you cant find anymore info with the phone number she used, you can find something with her tumblr page. It's still active."

"Oh yeah, I can ask them." Camila states then sits back.

"Laur, you're not still hung up on that are you?" Ally places her hand on my hand, lowering the phone.

"Are you serious?" I yank my hand away from hers. "Am I still upset and hurt by a person who led me on for almost a year? You bet your ass I am!"

"Well I mean, you said Camila was helping, I just thought it was something in the past now. Sorry." Ally stands from the bed, smoothing out her shirt.

I don't reply. I stare down at my phone. How can she be so insensitive about this? Even after telling her everything. I can feel her stare but I continue scrolling on my phone.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Ally finally says. I hear glasses clink and my door open. "I'm going to get refills, you want one?"

"I'm good thanks." I shake my head.

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