Chapter Six

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My alarm goes off, waking not only me but Dash too. I groan at the loud beeping. Since it became routine for Karla and I to stay on the phone all night and well into the morning until whoever wakes up first hangs up, I had to set my actual alarm clock. It’s loud and annoying. I groan and stretch my arm out to silence the screaming device. Dash yawns then snuggles back up to my leg.

I search through my blankets and pillows and find my phone. Finding it, thr screen shows she’s already hung up. I quickly pull up my messages.

To: No Action Karla<3

Good morning gorgeous! :) 

Have a good day! I’ll be thinking of you!

For two weeks now things between Karla and I have went from a friendly ‘hey what’s up’ to a more sincere ‘I missed you all day’. Even establishing nicknames for each other. Here I was thinking and telling Zayn talking to someone online was crazy and out of the question. I’m glad I tried it. I’m glad I’ve met Karla. She’s so well read and traveled. It’s like she’s more mature beyond her 18 years. Yet she has her cute goofy side. The side of her that thinks the word ‘bumfuzzle' is funny to the point she had to put the phone down to catch her breath. The side of her I adore more and more with each passing day. 

From: No Action Karla<3

i already miss you Lolo </3

I pout down at my phone. I wish I can call her up right now and tell I already do too. But I have school and she has to drive with her parents to Texas from California. Her parents don’t know she’s into girls. Karla confessed that to me the other night. She hadn’t texted all day and called me later at night. She sounded sad so I coaxed it out of her. Turned out her mother saw some of our text messages to each other. She said she had to repeatedly tell her that we’re just friends. She even had to remove the heart she placed by my name in her phone. I comforted her through the night. I told her my coming out story and how my parents weren’t thrilled either but eventually came around. She calmed and joked about having a coming out party. 

To: No Action Karla<3

miss you more Lala

Now sitting in class, I check my phone. She hasn’t replied. It’s expected. Her phone is shit when it comes to service. Especially while she’s traveling. I glance up in time to see someone sit next to me. That’s unusual. Everyone keeps to themselves in this class. Sitting one or two desk away from each other. I glance to my side.

"Hey." a girl with light brown hair smiles over at me.

"Hi." I reply, giving her a quick half smile. 

"This is weird but I know you do very well in this class. I suck at math. Can you maybe help?"

I look back over and she still smiles. I don’t remember seeing her in this class before. Well I never pay attention. If it’s not a car I never notice. But I notice Karla now. I wonder where she’s at right now.

"Ahem. I’m Celine, by the way.”

Oh right! i’m talking to a human. “I’m Lauren.” I say nodding. 

"So can you?"

I narrow my eye’s. “Can I what?”

"Help me?" she points down to her papers.

"Oh. Yea. Yea I can. No problem." I mentally punch myself. I suck at talking to peers. She smiles again and tucks her lose hair behind her ear. She moves the desk she’s in closer to mine.

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