Chapter Thirty Two

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Lauren's POV

Camila's voice echo'd off the bland hospital walls. Ally and Dinah were moved to tears and I'm sure I saw Mani wipe at her nose from the corner of my eye. The ballad was soft but powerful. Her eye's were hooded over, completely lost in her song. I watched her in complete awe. She looked so broken. And after our talk earlier my heart ached for her. I had no idea what she was going through.

I broke from my thoughts when I saw Ally reach up with a tissue and wipe at Camila's eyes. Her voice cracked when she felt the contact and stopped singing. She took a moment to try to recompose herself only to falter and completely break all over again. Ally held her close as Camila wept into her shoulder. Dinah made her way over and joined in on the comforting.

A bit later, Ally suggested we let everyone visit with Zayn alone. We agreed and cleared the room, letting Ally go first. She may have just met Zayn when I met her but she quickly grew close to him. Her boyfriend Troy too. Who she had said was on his way.

After Ally came out, Dinah and Normani went in together. I'm guessing they got to know him on the tour. Anyone Zayn came in contact with he'd befriend right off the bat. He's a peoples person. Too much of a social butterfly if you asked me. Look where his dumbass friends have him now.

When they came out, Camila nodded for me to go first. I handed my mom my cup of coffee, that her and Jerry thankfully went and got all of us, then entered Zayn's room.

It felt different being in here alone with him. It felt more realer. My best friend was laying right in front of me but at the same time he wasn't. I wonder if he can hear me? If he's aware that we're here?

"Hey..." I softly began saying. "It's Lauren."

I even paused, like I'm waiting for him to reply with some smart ass quip. But only the beeping of his heart monitor and the hum from the other electrical equipment filled the room.

Walking around the bed and over to his left side, I continued. "You know this sucks right? We were supposed to talk about the god mother situation. Or is this your way of getting out of that? Don't think this gets you off the hook." I chuckled quietly.

I waited again, looking at his pale sunken face. His defined features were dipped even further. The facial hair he always kept as a scruff, now grew out much more than I know he'd like. And I know he'll be pissed about his shaved hair. Even if it was to apply the stitches to the side of his head. I can imagine his fury now when he wakes up.

"You got to hurry and get better. The baby is almost here," I told him as I took his hand. I'm sure by now Perrie is closer. "And you have to meet her... or him." I correct myself since at the last minute of the shower, Perrie decided to keep the gender a secret even from herself.

The beeping of the machines and the aching silence became too much for me. And I know Camila is probably still pacing the hallway waiting for her turn.

I gave Zayn a soft peck on the hand I was holding before placing it back at his side. "I love you, punk."

Outside the room, Superstar was already waiting. As we walked passed each other through the doorway, she reached out and gave my hand a quick squeeze.

The door closed behind me and I looked around for everyone. No one was in the hall. Even further down where the vending machines were, no one was there. I pulled out my phone and texted the girls one big group chat text.

To: Normani, Dinah, Ally

Where are all of you? Camila just went in.

From: Dinah

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