Chapter Thirty Six

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Later that night Sinu, Camila and I walked through her house in LA. Her father and little sister were asleep already so we crept in quietly. Armando, the butler, helped carry our bags in. Unlike last time, Camila's mom didn't give me a lecture telling me to stay in my room. My bags were delivered into Superstar's room along with hers. She sleepily hugged her mom good night and I waved from the bed were I sat removing my shoes.

"Do you want to sleep in here? I can go to the guest room." Camila asked throwing a thumb toward the door.

I shook my head. "It's fine. Are you okay with it?"

"Yea." She smiled, softly.

I continued getting ready for bed. Not even bothering to change in the bathroom. Camila too changed right there in the room. Both of us too tired from the long flight.

We had went and visited Perrie and Baby Z before they left the hospital and then Zayn. He was doing great when we left at noon. Camila had to pack her things and I did too. By night fall we were meeting her mom at the airport and flying out.

Her mom was like a completely different person. She included me in conversations and even took my arm as we had to shuffle through the crowd of fans at the airport.

"I like this side. Is that okay?" Camila fluffed the pillow on the left side of the bed.

"It's your bed. Besides you know I prefer the right anyway." I said, slipping under the blankets. I'll never get use to the comfort this big ol bed has. I'm sure she said something more but these soft sheets and pillows lulled me to sleep.


Breakfast at the Cabello's was much more pleasant this time. Sofi, her little sister, was over the moon to have both Camila and I there. She chatted about everything and anything. And didn't forget that we both missed her play at school. She scrunched her face up at us in disgust. We apologized over and over and then promised not to miss another.

After breakfast we had to head over to the MTV studio. Camila was going to meet with everyone and go over what to say and how it was going to be filmed. All the pre production type fun. When we got there, they told her I wasn't allowed in the room. Only her and her mom and the new management were.

"You'll be okay?" Camila asked me again.

"Yes. I'll just call and see how Zayn is." I assured her.

"Tell him I said hi please." She smiled giving my arm an squeeze before she dashed off.

"Yep." I replied to the empty hall.

There was room after room of executive offices. We were on the 5th floor and the building faced the Hollywood sign. I snapped some pics from a huge window and sent them to my mom and Ally.

As I turned to find somewhere to make a call, a woman was standing by the table that had a coffee pot and drinks. I grabbed a water bottle as she smiled at me.

"Are you here with Camila Cabello?" She asked before sipping her coffee.

I nodded, unsure of this woman. "Yes."

"I see. Is she doing the documentary?" The woman in a fancy suit questioned.

I wasn't sure if I could say anything about it so I shrugged. "I'm not sure."

Nodding, placing her cup down. She held her hand out. "I'm Wanda Wilson."

Taking it, I introduced myself. "Lauren Jauregui."

"Ah. So the rumors were true?" She raised her brows.

"Uhm... I don't know what---"

"Look. I'm a movie producer. The first to arrive I can see." She said looking around the empty hall. "Trust me. More will come. Or their assistants."

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