Chapter Two

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waakeme-up said: oh hey you replied! I was afraid I scared you off.

ssweet-dispositionn answered: Nope. You’re possibly the only one who wasn’t creepy.

waakeme-up said: sweet! then I’m still in the running?

ssweet-dispositionn answered: The running for what?

waakeme-up said: you(;

waakeme-up said: *cracks whip* nailed it! haha on a more serious note. I’m Karla :)

ssweet-dispositionn answered: Ha good one! Nice to meet you Karla, I’m Lauren :)

waakeme-up said: there’s more corny jokes where that came from. only 19.99 after shipping and handleing. sorry no cod. ;) & nice! Lauren suits you! 

ssweet-dispositionn answered: cod? Thanks! what part of Miami do you live in?

waakeme-up said: Cash on Delivery! come on! oh I don’t live in Miami right now. Miami is my home town :)

ssweet-dispositionn answered: Oh okay cool.

Over the last two weeks this Karla person went from pretty rad to really odd. However cute. In the picture she uses as her icon, she has a nice tan going on, long dark hair, big brown eyes and pouty lips. I quickly reply to her latest reply and close my laptop. If she’s not from here then why was she scoping out Miami blogs. Makes no sense to me. 

"Lauren, lunch is ready." my mom says softly, peaking her head in my room.

"I’ll be right down." I reply with a soft smile. My mom’s been so fragile since my dads been gone. I’m all she’s got and she’s all I got. Well and Dash, our wiener dog. I take his face in my hands and give it a gentle squish. "Let’s go eat!" I coo at him. He perks up, tail wagging furiously and runs out of my room. I laugh and flick off my light.

"How has school been?" my mother asked as she places the food on the table. We hardly get to spend time eating together. I go to school full time then work all night. This is one of those rare moments where we aren’t sitting in front of the tv watching the weather channel, having a quick bite.

"Good, good." I reported. "How are your classes?" She’s been taking art classes down at the local community center. I talked her into doing it again. She used to paint a lot but lost her muse. Aka my dad. I can tell she really likes it. It shows on her face.

"Great!" she beams. See I told you. Her whole face lights up. "We have actual models coming in this week to pose." I watch her brows rise and fall as she tells me all about her class. How the woman that she sits next to her tells her these hilarious stories. Which are indeed quiet funny. Turns out the woman’s husband is slowly losing his memory and apparently his pants all the time.

Lunch with mom was great. She talked my ear off. I missed her so much. Now back at work, I watch as Zayn argues with the manager. He wants the weekend off but Geoff isn’t having any of that. 


I hear my name and pretend to I wipe down the wrench in my hand like I’m doing something. 

"Lauren. I know you hear me calling you." Zayn glares at me.

I put down my wrench and rag then walk over. “What’s up?”

"Work for me this weekend?" he clasp his hands together, pleading.

"Sure." I reply with a shrug. I don’t know why he thinks it’d be an issue.

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