Chapter Thirty Five

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The three of us rushed over to the hospital right after Camila delivered the news. On the way over, I called my mom, who delivered the news to Jerry and Ally. Camila called Dinah and she told Normani. And Sinu called their uncle Sam. They all said they'd give him some time until they came to visit. It was understandable.

Now we run through the halls, Sinu struggling to keep up behind us. Approaching his room, I heard a commotion. Much like when Camila was in there throwing things, doctors and nurses entered and some left. Zayn was shouting and I seen two bigger men rushing over from the opposite end of the hall.

"What's going on?" Camila asked the first nurse that noticed us. I was struggling to see over her shoulder and into the room.

"Are you family?" she asked.

"Yes." Superstar nodded.

"He has just woken from his coma and is panicking. It's normal. We're trying to calm him." The nurse told us as she scanned the halls awaiting the arrival of security.

As she did, I got Trisha's attention, Zayn's mom, from in the room. She saw me and rushed over, telling him to calm down as she did.

"He doesn't know why he's in here. He keeps saying he needs to go so he can help carry tables." Trish told us with glossy, worried eyes.

"Tables?" I questioned.

"For the baby shower." Camila looked over at me. "I was on the phone with him before I got on the plane. He told me he had to go because he was going to help Perrie's family carry tables into the building for the baby shower."

"He has some memory loss." Trisha frowned, looking back into the room. As she did the men who were rushing toward us were now making their way in. She left us at the door to go help them restrain Zayn.

We waited outside of the room until they had him sedated. His mom gave them the okay to allow us in. Camila rushed in and I quickly followed. Sinu went to Trisha's side and held her. Zayn was laying in the bed with his wrists and legs in straps. He had only one IV line in him now. His head lulled from side to side as he tried to shake off his grogginess from the medicine.

"Hey, Z." Camila approached the bed, slowly. I crept up behind her, sliding my arm around her waist.

"Z Man." I greeted him when his line of vision stopped on us.

"W...where's... Perrie?" he asked, blinking repeatedly.

"She's fine." I said looking over at his mom. Not sure if she had told him about the baby.

"Wh...what's today?"

"Thursday." Camila informed him.

"No. The... Ah!" he flinched at his restraints. "The date."

Again I looked over at his mom unsure of what she has told him. Camila too waited for Trisha to say something. His mom swallowed hard, chewing her bottom lip then nodded, giving us the go ahead. Camila's mom, calmly rubbed her back, comforting her.

I felt Superstar take a deep breath. Reaching for my hand on her hip, I intertwined our fingers, urging her to say something. She looked back at me with her misty brown eyes, nodding. She explained to him how he was currently in the hospital because he was in a car accident. And that he had hit his head. It took a few minutes for him to catch up with everything. He was trying to piece together the missing parts and when he did he started to calm down even more.

The nurses took off his restraints once he assured us he was okay again. As for informing him about Perrie and the baby, his mom quietly suggested we waited until they were able to get Perrie down here.

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